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I enjoyed reading an article on Left hand brisket. I have a few questions?

Is this another myth that causes the average cook to chase shadows in the dark, while the smart cooks learn from cooking experience?

When looking at a brisket is the point the top or bottom of the carcass? The fat is the outside correct?
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You read that and you're asking if it's a myth.

Of course it's a myth. It doesn't matter, left or right. Look at the side along the point and you'll see a straight side, that's where it was attached to the sternum. If you notice this, you'll start seeing left and right.

IGNORE IT. Really, dont worry.

I want the left ones for me Big Grin

Now when we start talking about the bend test, that's another issue.
There used to be more humor, on one of the largest bbq forums around.

At night in cookoffs,is the time many cooks can socialize and spin tales.

Especially with pure logburners ,where you fed them every 45 mins,turned them out of the wind,put a wind,or rain blanket around them,were splitting logs,etc.

Part of the fun of it all.

Shingleman,that Smokin' and I will remember and way before you young pups time, used to provide some useful info and was well known .
Originally posted by cal:I just got back from Sam's with a nice 13lb choice Angus packer
We don't get choice Angus packers here at our Sam's. Pieces parts and flats. If you guys on the other side of the big river would stop buying'em all up for a month or so they might just ship some this way. Mad

And please post some pix of that LH brisket when it's done. I want to see how they cook'em in cow country Big Grin

Just about bought a select at WW last night 16.1lbs, biggest I've seen since I have been watching. 1.86/lb. This one I got at Sams was Excel brand, I know Tom would prefer different brand. Like you I have to take what I can find. This was 1.88/lb and looks like it might be best yet,but looks can be deceiving from what I've heard and seen.

Let's see you guys keep the good hogs there, why can't we keep the good beef here?

Oh wait, we have hog farms in Oklahoma and the midwest now...

It will sound funny, but most of the stuff I see in the store here, I wouldn't buy. Too many select quality, not enough choice and never any prime. I buy mine from a wholesaler direct by the case. You might try that route. call up any of the Foodservice, etc companies and ask them if they have a will call/cash carry option. I do that with mine.
Cal,one reason we dislike Excels is the care of the meat cutters.

Before some clarification,folks would bring the briskets to comps in the cryovac,where they are inspected ,before the cooking begins.

Many times ,we would open the cryovac to find two,or three,slices thru the flat,so we had no suitable meat for turnins.

We just toss them in the trash barrel.

When you are a full day's drive from home and no replacements available,you have strong opinions.

Not that we haven't been beaten by folks that cook big Excels. Big Grin
A different post,about a different part of the brisket world.

What is angus?

It must be the good stuff,because Macdonalds sells burgers. Eeker

There is a marketing/branding program that sells CAB[Certified Angus Beef].

The goal is that their meat is at least choice,and hopefully some of the upper part of the 60%-70% graded, as choice.

Some comp teams will order these.

Like Smokin' says,some of your food service companies may sell to you, by the case.

Sam's has come up with a new MARKETING plan,as well.

All the "stuff" ,coming from the distribution centers that is the same as it always was, is marked choice and in small print,elsewhere on the plastic,the word angus. Confused

Typically, to belong to an "angus" assoc.,you mail $25-$35 to the national assoc and you get a newsletter and maybe a bumper sticker.

The state assoc.,typically ,is only $10 more.

Then,they request that your heifers/cows be at least 10% red,or black,Angus.

The bull could be from dairy or a rodeo,etc.

Then there is bloodstock Angus, to build your herds,and you might artificially inseminate heifers/cows,since a bull could run $100,000. Eeker

You maintain and register your "pedigree" papers,so the bloodlines can be tracked and improved.

The grocery chains may have a bunch of meaningless titles.

premium,vegetarian, hand selected,special,best,etc. Confused

Hope this helps clarify how "meaningful the word angus can be". Confused

The brisket that I got before this one from Sam's was from one of these,Certified companies, for what it is worth. This time it was also Angus,but as I stated, Excel. They were very close to same wieght, but the first was short and very wide(stocky). It appears this is very long and more rectangle. I known because it wouldn't fit in crisper because of length.
Any thoughts on this?
Thick,even,wide is good.

Length after that may not mean much.

If it is a CAB,it should have Certified Angus Beef written on it and usually the large CAB logo with it.

You are hoping to have as much marbling running all thru the meat,rather than on it.

The even flat is more for cooking evenly and producing even slices for comp boxes.The ugly can still eat well.

You can open up better briskets and lay the flat on the table.Gently try to spread the grain/strands of meat open with your fingertips.Think of a big piece of filet mignon and how loose it is.

If they are loose and esily open,then it often cooks well.

If they are tight,and you can barely tell them apart-like a round steak,or maybe pork chop,they will usually cook that way.

Hope this helps a little.
Thanks so much for your valuable insight. You'll get a chuckle out of this. The first brisket said, CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF, in more than one place with big lettering. There was no CAB logo, but only the lingering thought that they wanted someone to believe it to be true. I'm sure it is the NEW marketing approach that you stated earlier. I could easily tell by their product that it wasn't CAB, but I wonder how many others thought otherwise.

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