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I did my first bp this weekend. It was 28* outside with a cool breeze. I had pb rubbed and regig. for night. I started at 3 am and after my probe was in the reading was 39*. There was actually 2 7lb bps. from Sams. I used 3oz apple 1 1/2 hickory set temp at 225. 3hrs later 225 on cs and 127 on probe and nice looking smoke. At the 7hr mark cs at 224 pb at 151 and smoke looking and starting to smell nice. For the next 6hrs cs at 224-226 and pbs hit wall at 153 down to 151. From what I have read on the forum I was not worried. I would have to say at the 15hr mark the cs had started a very slow climb to 160. There was large amount of fat in the drip pan and the smoke had a gut wrenching smell. It was at this point I sure wished I had more than 1 probe(STOP LAUGHING TOM). I had read enough on the forum that I thought I might be in a pocket of fat.I opened the cs took out probe checked both bps 192*,I wrapped with foil let set 15 min. and had best pulled pork I have ever ate. It was far from perfect, needed more rub and smoke but no one at the table complained.

1st lesson; more than one probe
2nd lesson; more smoke or maybe stronger smelling wood
3rd lesson; more rub(it was cs rib rub)
4th and most important read all the threads on cs forum that I can.

THANKS! to everyone that made my first pb experence a lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't think the CS rib rub has much salt in it(relative to lot of other rubs), and butts need salt to bring out the flavor. You can also add more rub as you pull the meat.

Apple is a great wood to smoke with, but personally I prefer it on ribs and bacon. Try using more hickory, or hickory and oak next time.

And lastly, I don't know about a "gut wrenching smell". I've never smelled anything from my smoker that I would describe that way. At least nothing from pork or hickory.
Last edited by Former Member

I would suggest letting the butt sit longer. Pulling it while it is real hot, will allow too much of the juices to run out. This will cause the butt to become dry much quicker while serving.

I've got a meal for 45 and another for 75, and I'm doing pulled pork for both. A butt will hold a while in the foil.

Back when I had myu stick burner, I had a few times when the smoke didn't smell right. Each time was when the fire was first starting,and the wood was not burning clean.

5th lesson; NEVER use rubs over night
6th lesson; let set longer than 15 min.

Now since I did cure this a little would that make the PB's finish temp diffent.

My buddy took a PB home with him wrapped in alum and covered with a towel.He said best pull pork he ever had. Did the 25 min drive rise the temp by 10-15*
Just got my CS back from my college boys after a 2 year drought - I'm back in business.

I thawed it for a couple hrs last nite in a sort of brine I made up, then when it was all thawed I rubbed it real well. I put in on @ 3am @ 250. It has been on a little over 12 hrs now, but I'm at work @ there's nobody home to check it. It's 12.7 lbs, I won't get there till 6:00. That's all I can do, so no use worrying. I'll report back how it comes out.

It's great to be back!
Got home a little early & checked the PB in 8 spots for internal temp. All read from 195 to 205.

Pulled it off & wrapped it in foil, then a heavy towel. That was 25 minutes ago. I'll give it 15 more minutes, then pull.

I have 1.5 hours till dinner party. Should I pull & mix sauce, then cover & put back in oven for 45 min?


Last edited by snuffy
If we are able,we like to pull as close to eating time,as convenient.

We like to let set a few hrs before pulling,if possible.

Pull, mix in a little rub to taste.

If we are using a vinegar sauce,like Smokin' Okie's,we might add 1/2 cup-as we add the rub.

Or,if we have a tomato based sauce and are serving in a chafing dish,we might cut the sauce 50/50 with AJ and add just enough to keep it moist while serving.

Hope this helps a little.

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