Bunny Tuttle has made a motion to terminate the test judging slip program and the judges comment cards.
This was a program which we began 4 weeks ago, in response to the comments by many cooks, especially on this forum. A few very vocal kcbs members have demanded an end to the program. We do not even have 4 weeks of data to evaluate, and those who want to end the program have not seen any data.
I don't want to tell you what position to take, but I want more than few people with their personal opinions to rule what the members want.
Please write to the Board. Tell them to vote up or down as you believe will benefit you the cooks, you the judges, you the members.
The meeting is Wednesday night.
Thank you
Merl Whitebook
E-mail to the board
dharwell@kcbs.us, btuttle@kcbs.us, carolyn@kcbs.us, jminion@kcbs.us, lmullane@kcbs.us, mlake@kcbs.us, mwhitebook@kcbs.us, pkirk@kcbs.us, rgray@kcbs.us, sownby@kcbs.us, tblack@kcbs.us, tstone@kcbs.us, wlohman@kcbs.us
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