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Hey all,

I'm going to cook my first PB this weekend and have been studying up here on the forums. End goal is pulled pork sandwichs.

I asked my wife to go to Costco and buy the meat there. I know they have 11-14 lb butts at a good price.

She ended up buying two butts at Whole Foods and they are only 2.75 lbs each. This is probably enough to feed everyone, but I am worried about the size.

Will cuts this small cook as well as the larger ones?

Maybe this is a dumb question and smaller size just means less cooking time, but in all my research here, I have never seen anybody say they cooked butts this small.

Thanks! Greg
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The two PB's will take less time to cook, for sure. The yield will probably be in the vicinity of 3 lbs of usable meat. How many folks to you plan to feed?

Rule of thumb cook time on bone-in 7-8 lb PB's is about 90 minutes @ lb. Having never cooked one this small, I can't begin to tell you the correct cook time. Chances are, someone else can.
I'd plan on them taking 4+ hrs (90 min/lb x 2.75 lbs) and then FTC for 90 minutes. FTC is double heavy duty foil, then wrap in beach towel, then throw them into a cooler.

They'll stay hot for a couple hours that way and be ready when you want them. If they're stubborn and take longer, you then have a 90 minute leeway before dinner.
MQ, We have six folks to feed. I am hoping to get a little more than 3lbs of usable meat out of them since there is not a lot of fat. But, even 3lbs should feed everyone. The ladies in this group are only good for one sandwich each.

Smokin', you are correct sir. They are boneless with very little fat cap. I will keep my eye on the temp (my CS has a built in temp probe).

My plan is to put some rub on them, cook them to 190 degrees, foil them for a while, then pull them apart, and then pour some Smokin Okies Vinegar Mop sauce on it.

Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

Last question... should I just man up and go get myself a real pork butt and not even worry about these little cuts?
It sounds like a reasonable plan to me. I would try foiling them together, but it wouldn't be needed.

It might not look like there is much fat on them, but I'm with MaxQue on them rendering down. As far as man-up???... I'm from the "Show me State", so heck I'd cook them just like your doing and next time try a big one and make up your own mind on how you like to do them.

Might make sure you check your probe for accuracy, before cooking, if you haven't already done so?
Hey all, checking back in...

The little butts turned out great.

One PB was about 2.5 and the other was 2.75 lbs.

I coated them with mustard and butt rub an hour before cooking.

I put about 2 oz of hickory (came with the smoker) and an 1 oz of pecan in the smoker.

They cooked for about 7.5 hours and were at 165. I turned up the heat to 250 and after another hour they were at 190.

I pulled them out and put them under foil for 1/2 hr, then shredded it up with forks (still too hot for the hands). There was a lot of tastey bark!

I weighed it to see the yield and it came out to 2.8 lbs (just a little over 1/2 the precooked weight)! So MQ was spot on there.

I prepared some of Smokin's finishing sauce, but the meat was soooo good, I only used it on a 1/4 of the batch.

Served it to the guests with some options. Some of Smokin's Mustard Sauce, some bbq sauce from the Salt Lick in Austin, and some KFC slaw.

I had the pork with the finishing sauce on a sesame seed bun with a bit of the slaw and mustard sauce. It may have been the best pulled pork sandwich I ever had. Then I had another with some of the Salt Lick sauce on it. MMMMmmmmmmm. Good stuff.

Thanks everybody for your input.
Originally posted by GregSoCal:
Hey all,

I'm going to cook my first PB this weekend and have been studying up here on the forums. End goal is pulled pork sandwichs.

I asked my wife to go to Costco and buy the meat there. I know they have 11-14 lb butts at a good price.

She ended up buying two butts at Whole Foods and they are only 2.75 lbs each. This is probably enough to feed everyone, but I am worried about the size.

Will cuts this small cook as well as the larger ones?

Maybe this is a dumb question and smaller size just means less cooking time, but in all my research here, I have never seen anybody say they cooked butts this small.

Thanks! Greg

I have never seen a pork butt that small...did they get that from a 5 month old pig? You would be looking at a lot less cook time on a butt that small. Just smoke it 180, but it will likely take a lot less time...

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