I want to thank, all the newbies out there for keeping the questions coming and especially Smokin, Tom, Wheelz and other seasoned veterans for seeing to it that my first brislet was by far my best ever. The devil is indeed in the details and 101 by Smokin helped immensely. Anyone out there having issues or intimidated by past poor results with brisket. Read 101 and the questions and problems that others have run into.
I prepped a 9 lb flat by washing it (Costo cryovac) and coating it with cookshack rib rub. Stewed in the fridge for about 24 hrs before putting it into the Amerique at 215 deg on the middle rack set probe to cook to 190. Began the process at around 8pm. TOday after church I returned and checked the read out. 187. It reached 190 around 9 and I then opened the cooker for the FIRST time and checked it SMOKIN style. Poked with the probe and was not quite as smokin described as "butter" soft in the thickest part, looking great though. Closed it back up and let it roll for another hour or so. It reached 192 by the time had checked it again and by gosh, if cookin hundreds of briskets hasn't given these Q masters some tips. It was done when it was done indeed. I poked it and probe went in effortlessly. I was amazed and almost giddy to cut it and devour it. I diligently took it out wrapped it and put it back in at hold temp around 140-150 for about three hours until we were ready for lunch. Sliced a bit less than half inch slices, any thing less and it just pulled apart. It was unbelievable! I am a lucky rookie and may end up with flop after flop in the future, but this one was near perfect as far as I could tell.
Thanks again Smokin, Tom, and Wheelz among others, and my wife and neighbors thank you too

Qin and a brewin! What a great Sunday.