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Please tell me why my CS keeps turning itself off!!!! After I set the temp and walk away, then go back and check, she's on OFF!!!!! I reset and then everything is fine. It's almost like she's on a timer. It's becoming very difficult for me to reach the optimum canning times because of this. Like what makes this happen? I need this answer soonest...
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Bummer! Especially when you're busy putting thing up. I don't really have any idea other than to contact the folks at Cookshack directly. Judging by everything that I have read on this forum and from a little personal experience of my own, they are absolutely committed to customer satisfaction and will move heaven and earth to solve your problems and ensure that you have an oven that behaves as it should. Their telephone number is 1-800-423-0698 and you can e-mail them directly through their main website by clicking on the 'About Us' button and then the 'Contact Us' button. I would recommend calling, though. It would probably be quicker.
I agree, CS has a great customer service, they've been in business for many years and their Customer Service people have probably heard of the problem before.

They always do what it takes to make it right.

When you have a issue with the smoker, the best place is the phone.

The forum and via email will get response, but not if you're wanting them in a hurry (which it sounds like you have a major time issue) you'll get a quicker response that way, but we'll always help if we can.

Until then, can we help?

When you say "off" is the unit cold? In the Smokette is the dial set on a temp but it's cold? Are you setting a temp on the dial, it heats for a while and then it goes cold? Are they on a single circut or an overloaded circuit tripping the switch?

We can help with the external questions, but if it's a solenoid problem or heating element problem, CS will talk to you and send you a new one ASAP.

Let me know.

I load the smoker, set the temp, go away for awhile, and when I check to see if she's smoking the dial is set to off. You bet she's cold! Then, I set the temp again, and it runs fine. Had a load at 100 in there all night for Squaw Candy and she's still on! I have been blaming it on Raoul, our resident Ghoul, who plays tricks sometimes. I am doing another load in a couple of hours and I'm gonna open a beer, grab a chair, and sit and watch that baby. Then, I'll call with more info. It's very strange, eh? Confused
UPDATE: It hadda be Raoul! I sat and watched that puppy and it stayed on. Previously it had done the turn-off thing every single time I walked away. It's usually about this time of year Raoul gets to playing. And yup, this family KNOWS this house is "haunted", but not in a bad way. Nothing scary...coffe cups clinking and low conversations; footfalls across the attic, good acoustical guitar in the sunroom, and once...I saw Raoul! I was coming up the porch and just had a glancing look at something under the house, thru the vent screen. Knew it was Raoul. Then later when spouse came home, I said: I saw Raoul today. But, I didn't describe him. Russ went on to describe him for me! Whoa, Nelly! Our house is the old Grandview Snoring Inn from Alaska's railroad past. She used to be up at the head of upper Trail Lake near here, and when she was decomissioned, the fellow that previously owned this property and worked for the railroad, cut her into pieces and brought her down by rail and set her here. After he died, his wife and the last person to live here before us, used to buy food for him and ask the Troopers to set out water for him, etc. Everyone around here knows about Raoul, the Not-Scary Ghoul!

Anyway, my fish turned out perfect! One question, though, how can I get the maximum amount of smoke in the minimum of heat for a very short 30-60 minutes? Razzer
Andi wrote:
One question, though, how can I get the maximum amount of smoke in the minimum of heat for a very short 30-60 minutes?

When we cooked our lobsters and clams, Andi, I want beaucoup smoke quickly to preserve the tenderness of the product. I used wood chips. Got a bunch of smoke very quickly.

Good stuff!


Sorry I didn't get on the forum this weekend. It was the club championship here, so had to do the golf thing.

Hope you figured out the problem. I would blame the ghost...

On smoking at low temperatures: I would suggest getting a cold smoke kit for your smoker. This will keep the temperature down while giving you the smoke flavor you desire. Give me a call if you have any questions.


So, how did you play?

Andi is the winner of a Smoker for her Dessert, and I thought it was a Smokette 2 and she's doing a LOT of smoking up there.

Hope all is well, let me know if you're coming down to the BIG CITY anytime soon, my golf games is a lot more consistent now that the weight is off my back Big Grin

Hi, all, and I guess I can blame Raoul, that Ghoul! Hasn't done it since, but only if I watch. I have a week off from salmon...ran outta jars and payday is a week away! Oh well, everything tastes like smoked salmon to me!

The batch I did yesterday was perfect. I did 175 for 1 hour and it was just smokey enough for canning and underdone enough to finish in the jar. That's my formula, and I'm sticking to it!

Double Lazy, you crack me up! And yes, that's what I was doing before watch duty.

Thanks RIT Ron, I will do just that with the chips for the recipe I am developing that WILL take 1st Place in the recipe contest! So, you guys don't have to bother entering this year...HA! (Redneck, I have something hilarious about a Redneck In Training I want to e-mail you. It's kinda long, but you'll love it! Can I?) Big Grin
Yup, Stuart, in a nutshell. I started with a dry brine, which I prefer, but is spendy, and have switched to a wet brine in a 5 gallon bucket that I can re-use for a week at a time. Use two parts canning salt to one part brown sugar for a dry brine. Say, to 2 c. salt, 1 c. brown sugar, I use 1 tsp. saltpeter (very optional), and 6 crushed bay leaves, 1 tsp each powdered cloves, allspice, mace, and white pepper. Dredge the fish in this and cover with it. Let sit until it starts to form it's own liquid. About an hour is all I do. Then rinse very well, and even soak for 20 minutes. Then cut into jar size pieces, and lay out on racks. Dry VERY well to form the pellicle, but not in the sun. I use a huge industrial fan. This can take up to 6 hours or as little as one. The fish should be dry to the touch. Then I put it in the smoker with hickory (using 2 ounces now) and smoke for 30 minutes at 175. Then I put the fan back on to cool it. Then I pack into jars, add 2 tbs. canola oil and 1 tbs. Fireweed Honey to each jar, seal, and pressure can at 10 lbs. for 110 minutes. And now that you all have my recipe, no one will buy it from me! LOL! Ha ha guys don't make Fireweed Honey. Na na NA na na!

For a wet brine, the day before I brine I put 4 gallons of cool water in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid, and I use whole spices and the saltpeter proportionally. Just give it a 30 minute soak and rinse and dry as above. Cool
Originally posted by Stuart:

On smoking at low temperatures: I would suggest getting a cold smoke kit for your smoker. This will keep the temperature down while giving you the smoke flavor you desire. Give me a call if you have any questions.


Where can I find one of these kits?
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
[qb]Depends on which Cookshack Smoker you have, there are different ones for the different models?[/qb]

Heh...I guess that would make sense, huh? But the thing is, I can currently only afford a Smokette, while what I really want is the 50, and there aren't any of these kits for the Smokette...

What a quandry! But, it's a fun quandry, and very interesting along the way!

Thanks Smokin'...


We try to steer people away from trying to cold smoke in the Smokette. Because the cooking area is small, even with the cold smoke baffle it is hard to keep the temperature down. However, with that said the model 50 cold smoke kit will fit in the smokette and if you watch what you are doing you can cold smoke in it.
I want the 50. I covet those who have one. I am bummed I can't win one. I am broke goes! LOL!

Smoked Halibut is, indeed, nothing to write home about. It is too dry, and smoked halibut is extremely rich. A 4 ounce portion will fill a grown man. Here's what I do when I want smoked halibut...Just put a very light smoke on it, drench it with melted butter, some worcestershire, and lemon juice and finish it in the oven. Always cook halibut underdone! I cook and smoke it frozen. It will finish cooking in it's own heat by the time you plate it and serve it. I can make your halibut sing! I know how. Roll Eyes

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