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My wife was curious as to why I wanted to shop at Walmart yesterday after stops at 4 or 5 other places. After three trips to Walmart only to experience out of stocks, there it was--an 11.5 pound Excel full packer brisket. Into the cart and home she came.

I trimmed about a lb. of fat leaving a fairly even 1/4" cap or so of fat across it. After reading many posts from Tom and Smokin advising us to keep the brisket simple, I merely rubbed/applied Texas BBQ Rub--Brisket Blend (twice) to that beauty. Let it set in the refrigerator a total of 9 hours and tossed it into my smoker at 9:30 last night. Fat side down, middle shelf position, 225* smoker setting, 5-6 oz of cherry, meat temp 37*, Maverick probe, Elite probe(I didn't have to fold the brisket since it fit perfectly on the Elite shelf). At midnight, holy cow, that thing was already at 135*. Being a little concerned, I turned the smoker down to 200* and went to bed.

Got up this morning at 6:45, and there was no more sleeping since I had to get up to check things on the patio. Not bad, the brisket temperature was 168* so I turned the smoker temperature back to 225*. I really should have more faith in what Tom and Smokin tell us and just left it at 225* all the way. Oh well, no harm. Went in and made some coffee.

Going to see my son's baseball game this morning. He's in an adult league, the highest you can be in without being a pro. Pretty good ballplayer at age 29. Made the All Sacramento High School Team when he was Junior. Expecting the brisket to be pretty well done when I get back. I love that smoker. Working my tale off sleeping and watching a live baseball game while smoking a brisket. Only thing that could possibly make life easier is if that Maverick could broadcast over 5 miles. Big Grin

By the way, my smoker was smoking like a bandit with the oven temperature at only at 160* last night. It pleasantly surprised me cause, if you remember, I had trouble getting smoke initially until I let the wood set in the sun for a week. Can't emphasize enough to make sure your wood is seasoned/dry as one step to insure better smoke. Certainly, don't leave the wood sit and tied up in the plastic bags it came in. Eeker
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The brisket turned out very well. Just like the Texas brisket I've had in the past. Keeping it simple turned out really good product. I prefer this to the saucing and foiling I did in April.

All in all tasty and smokey, but the flat was a little dry. When my Maverick read 192*, I went to take the brisket out of the smoker. The Elite probe read 183* so I left the brisket in until the Elite probe read 190*. The extra time may have contributed to the dryness. I should have used the Thermopen to confirm temperature readings just in case my Elite probe was in fat. The Maverick and Elite probes calibrate to the same temperature.

I've separated the point from the flat with the intention of making a burnt end. The rest of the flat will go into a Foodsaver bag then frozen. This smoker is great.
So Pags,

My wife was curious as to why I wanted to shop at Walmart yesterday after stops at 4 or 5 other places. After three trips to Walmart only to experience out of stocks, there it was--an 11.5 pound Excel full packer brisket. Into the cart and home she came.

Did you settle for the usual WallyWorld "select" or were you lucky enough to get a "choice" I've never seen a "CAB" at Wallys....
Walmart here usually has choice. When they run a sale they usually set a limit of two, so I make a few trips and toss them in the freezer.

I smoked two Thursday night for a squadron picnic Friday. The wing vice showed up with four or five group commanders.

Now I hear the base CO wants to talk about smoking something for a function he is planning.

We'll see.
EZ Goin,

You better watch them commanders they will have you smoking for the base annual picnic if you dont watch it. This week I will be doing a few pork butt's for my shop night shift as they have decided we need to go to 12 hr shifts so i thought i would do a little pulled pork for my Airman.
These fly guys/gals are really going to like you two.

I just pulled the burnt end off the smoker and tried a piece. Wow. Wow. They are sure tasty. They're in the freezer now, but I can see them replacing the bacon in Smokin's BBQ Beans (or Todd's).

Boy, Thumper's right. Waaay good. Going to have to take a sample to lunch so my buddies can try it this week. Bet I get a free lunch and a beer in return for letting them put their brisket in my smoker.
Pags, how did the 5-6oz of cherry work out? Would you use that much hickory/oak?

Originally posted by EZ Goin:
Walmart here usually has choice. ....

I'm in same situation as Pags. We have 4 Walmarts, 2 Sams, 1 Costco and I never seem to find a decent brisket. Walmart's brisket (when they have them)have a real thin flat with minimum marbling. I can order "prime" from Fresh Market for the $/lb of ribeye steak. Eeker
I probably would have used less hickory/oak, but I was out of hickory and thought with cherry that I should use a little more to get a stronger smoke flavor.

Whenever I've had brisket in the past, I was in Texas and just associate smoked brisket with a rub as Texas style. When I ordered Texas Style Rub, Brisket Blend on line, I just went with it. I really was using Brisket 101 and keeping it simple.
Well now,you have to watch us Okies,that think a Texan is just an illegal migrant, passing thru the wilderness-on the way to the" promised land of Oklahoma". Big Grin

Yes,we do have a lot of good friends,that are fine cooks from Tx,and we do enjoy some "smack talk".

Thus,Smokin could be confused by a "Tx brisket".

That said,the style is one that many of us think we might serve to our own friends and neighbors.

Contrary,to the oriental pot roasts,that can be shredded,and served over sticky rice,eaten with chop sticks,and chased down with a fresh vintage of plum wine. Eeker

I understand that you take off your manly footwear,and eat on your knees,with no footwear.

Ain't real sure,how you walk out to your horse,thru the prickly pear. Confused
EZ Goin

See I told you to watch it I just got volunteered to do a cook for the flight. I just put in 7 PB to end a week of voluntold 12 hr shifts. Keep your eye on them bosses!

oh yea you know boss spelled backwards is ssob (sorry son of a b) hehe and they think being called boss is a respect thing! Smiler

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