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I wanted, no, needed to take a minute and see if there is anyone out in the NV area, or, if anyone knows anyone in the Mesquite, NV area who has a spare FEC. I am planning on flying out to the contest out there since my sister and brother in law area stationed in Vegas, and they have arranged everything that I need through the Air Force base out there, minus the smoker. If any of you know, or, are planning on attending the contest, and have a spare FEC I would be eternally grateful. I know, I know, a ton to ask, but, I am bouncing around any ideas that I can to get to cook at this contest. Appreciate any leads that I can get...

Much thanks in advance....
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Laughing, no Scottie, you are the King of the fly in.... Big Grin.....heck, you got the hook up.....I am still beating down the path hard....but you have it down to a science. Question for ya, are you interested in donating some leftovers, after turn in's to the fighter pilots? It is going to be a huge group...also going to hit up Mike when I see him again in Madison, IN. Heck, I even tried to get Mike to bring out my FEC, but, he is traveling light to head out there.......
Will also post on Pelletheads.....
I was glad to see who your hookup was for this one though Scottie....because I had already hit up the Vegas FEC....he is just not sure yet if he is cooking it though....
Thanks for the extra leads all!!
It is amazing where the stuff comes from when Scottie needs it. Cambros, chairs, ez up and more from AZ, but delivered to Cali. WOW he is good. Big Grin

For what it is worth, the Fighter Pilots and friends are always welcome in my camp. I would be glad to donate some food to the men and women that serve our country. Heck, there might even be some cold refreshments to wash it down.

Just let me know.
"I would be glad to donate some food to the men and women that serve our country. Heck, there might even be some cold refreshments to wash it down."

I am sure that I will take ya up on that offer....there is going to be most of the squadron there....and I think that one of the wives has offered to sponsor the "bar" there as well....looking forward to it....even if we have to build 4 ugly drum smokers....but, God knows I would prefer the FEC....
I have been working on trying to find the one out that way, if not I figured that I would ship mine out to Las Vegas...and then just throw it up in the truck. I had posted on the pellethead forum, bbq-brethren, and just registered today for the AZ BBQ Assn.....
What day are you guys planning on being in Thom?
well, just took the cooker up to Continental Airlines and got it all strapped down on the shipping container, wrapped up in plastic and inspected....phew, the reality set cooker has not left my side since I started cooking 5 years ago.....but, that is ok, flying out to Las Vegas on Wednesday, and setting up on Thursday, sometime before the welcome party....looking forward to it....

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