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Just did it last night as a matter of fact on 3 butts. I sprinkled liberally on all sides with rib rub, patted it in, then sprinkled again liberally with the spicy chicken rub and put that on the tops and sides. So not really a mix quantity as much as a sprinkle it liberally twice.

Do note that when I pull the meat I perhaps clean things up more than many. I've seen people who basically have no waste from a butt; they just shred up whatever is left, fat and all, with the idea that it provides more flavor.

My family and friends don't like biting into chunks of fat, or very greasy bark like you might see on the top of a butt where the fat layer didn't all melt, so those things get taken out of my pulled pork. The probably limits some of the spicy bits which make it into my final product, and may change the taste a bit. Once I have a pan full, I generally mist with apple juice, toss it around, then sprinkle with a little more spicy rub to taste.

Works for me. With the 3 last night and 2 more last weekend, I'm at 5 butts this week done this way. All were great.
Well,there is nothing unusual about adding layers of flavor to a product.

The Chicken rub has no sugar,much like a Cajun seasonng.

It works well for folks that hot cook their chicken,as it won't scorch any sugar.

Other folks may just add peppers,to bring up heat level.

Some folks find that when they cook low and slow,long enough,they render most fat.

The exception could be the fat cap,which should slide off in your hand-after cooking.

Different folks may feel that different levels of fat aids their flavor profile.

There are folks that may cook 15-20 cases of butts,pull the bone on each and drop them into a buffalo chopper.

The consistency wouldn't leave many chunks of fat to bite into.

Just a couple of thoughts.
Originally posted by gb smoker:
any experience mixing spicy chicken rub with rib rub for a a spicer rub for butts. What mix quantities

100 percent up to you. Mix it up, say 50/50 and see if you like that. It's your taste buds that will have to tell you if that's too spicy or not.

of 75/25

it's hard to say.

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