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I got a smokette last year for Christmas and It's been great, until today that is. I went out to smoke some almonds and I noticed that moisture is building up on the inside bottom of the smoker and giving off a strange smell. When I open it you can see the steam coming from the bottom and when I run my finger across it its wet. I have never had this problem before. The temp outside is about 50 degrees. I know its not the almonds causing the problem because I noticed the problem before I put anything in it. Ive also smoked on much colder days that this on.

The only thing unique about today is that it is the first cold day that I have smoked in a while, cold that is for Dalla Texas.

Any Ideas?

Jeff Sulman
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I always recommend calling CS Customer Service, they're probably heard it all and they'll help you in a timely fashion if it IS a problem.

I haven't heard this problem before, maybe someone can jump in with ideas.

Is it outside? Could moisture have gotten down the smoke vent? Could moisture have collected in the bottom?


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