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Hi Everyone Again:

I have some more questions about the cookshack smokette.

I was reading on the company website that it takes 4 ounces of wood to cook 15 pounds of meat? How long does that 4oz last? Do you keep having to refill the wood box every 20 minutes like the Bradley smoker? Surely, 4oz of wood can't cook a brisket for 12 hours?

The Bradley smoker says you can cold smoke in their smoker. Can you cold smoke in the cookshack, and what exactly is cold smoking?

The company website says there are no drafts of air in the smoker to dry out the food? In my New Braunfels smoker if there isn't a draft then the fire goes out. How can their NOT be a draft in the cookshack and still keep the smoke going??

Sorry to keep bothering you all with questions. $500 is quite a lot to spend on a smoker and I just want to make an informed purchase.

Thank you for your time.
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Originally posted by Bob:
[qb]Hi Everyone Again:

I have some more questions about the cookshack smokette.

I was reading on the company website that it takes 4 ounces of wood to cook 15 pounds of meat? How long does that 4oz last? Do you keep having to refill the wood box every 20 minutes like the Bradley smoker? Surely, 4oz of wood can't cook a brisket for 12 hours?[/qb]

Questions are fine Bob. I think if you read the posts throughout this site, you'll see a lot of success (and very few failures) you won't find better success with another unit. The CS cooks via an electric heating element. The wood is only used to give it the smoke flavor, not as a source of heat. A lot of times, on small cooks, you don't even need the 4 oz, less will do.

[qb]The Bradley smoker says you can cold smoke in their smoker. Can you cold smoke in the cookshack, and what exactly is cold smoking?[/qb]

Cold Smoking is the process of imparting a strong smoke flavor without "cooking". Best examples are hams and bacons and many fishes that are cold smoked. Most are cured instead. There is no cold smoke kit for the smallest CS, but there are for all the rest. But there are methods to make it work for the Smokette.

[qb]The company website says there are no drafts of air in the smoker to dry out the food? In my New Braunfels smoker if there isn't a draft then the fire goes out. How can their NOT be a draft in the cookshack and still keep the smoke going??[/qb]

The electronic element in the CS is not susceptible to drafts like your offset. The unit is extremely effecient with only a small hole at the top of the unit for the smoke to escape out. Also, with insulation of over 1000degrees, it is a an efficient unit and does a great job retaining a high level of humidity. It is that high level of humidity that keeps the meat from drying out (and in fact, prevents some people from achieving certain levels of bark, but they're working for a certain taste/texture, most will never notice a difference in the bark or the outside texture of the meat)

[qb]Sorry to keep bothering you all with questions. $500 is quite a lot to spend on a smoker and I just want to make an informed purchase.

Thank you for your time.[/qb]

Happy to help. Bring on the questions! By the way, I do this for free because I love the CS product so well, I'm not an employee of the company. When I started out, like others, I had amazing success from the beginning. Without having to concentrate on the temperature, I could concentrate on the rest of the Q to make the best product I can.
Bob wrote:
Surely, 4oz of wood can't cook a brisket for 12 hours?

Pretty amazing, huh? But there's more to it than that, Bob. Wait 'till you see how small three ounces of wood really is! But that's all it really takes. I've got about 40 pounds of pork butt in my 050 as I type this. I started with 3 oz of hickory and 2 oz of apple. And that's all I'll use and it'll have more smoke flavor than you can imagine. Maybe it comes from the smoke fairy, I don't know, but it works! No feeding wood. Actually, we're going out to dinner shortly. The CS will take care of everything.

You're asking the same questions that most of us have asked at one time or another, Bob. It's perfectly reasonable.

The Cookshack money back guarantee along with this forum is was what sold me. They go on the line with their product. It's not like a TV that they can just recycle. It's gone from new to used. So I figured that they must have confidence in their product. And as long as they had confidence in their product I should at least give it a tumble.

Best cooking decision I've ever made ('cept maybe to eat the final product with great gusto Big Grin )

Go for it! What have you got to lose?

Bob, The wood does not burn, as you might imagine wood burning in a Texas offset or in a direct pit...the wood smoulders.

When your meat is done and you get around to cleaning out the wood box, you are going to see what looks something like very pourous lump charcoal. Thus, a few ounces of wood can impart a very smoky flavor to your Q.

BTW, what makes the CS ingenious is it automatically does for you what many old time Qers tend to do for often produces whisps of smoke, which we were taught produces the finest Q, usually from wood coals with no flame.

Regards, Mike
Hey Bob- I was were you are about 3 months ago. Did the research after total frustration with the inconsistency and amount of work involved with el cheapo brinkman. The smokette will be the wisest $500 you spend on a smoking product. They can afford to give a money back guarantee. The only ones they get back are from people trading up to more expensive, larger models with more features. Go for it my friend. You'll be glad you did!
I have to be quick, I worked nights last night and need get a brisket into my Smokette while I sleep! Try that with any offset smoker/grill! I bought my oven just over a month ago and have already enjoyed some of the best barbeque and smoked meat that I have ever tasted . . . and I cooked it!
I do, however, have one regret . . . I should have bought one of the larger ovens!

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