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Well Guys, I never would have tried it (this soon) if I had not found all the info on this forum, but my first brisket has been on for 12 hours now, and is up to 170f(12 lbs.). I can not believe how good it smells Big Grin . I used a Dr. Pepper marinade overnight, and a peppery rub brfore I put it on. Today I got a digital meat thermo, drilled a small hole in the lid of my ECB and stuck it through, and now I am able to add hot coals as needed to maintain an avg temp range of 200-280 (I know this is rough, but pretty darn good for an ECB with Kingsfords). Now if I can stay up for another 3-6 more hours, I just may end up with something edible. I'll let you know.

BTW, I plan on serving this on Wednesday. I am going to cut it up tonight, bag it, freeze it, and thaugh it out Wednesday morn, & reheat Wed. afternoon. I know it would be better freshly cooked, but being my first time, I did not want to take the chance of blowing it with no other backup plan. Does anyone have any input on how much of a difference this will make on the enjoyability?? Also, if this comes out tasting as good as it smells, I can't imagine putting BBQ sauce on it. Since I have never made brisket before, I don't really know how it is served. I assume if it is sliceable, I should serve it on a plate with cole slaw & mashed potatoes...If it is falling apart, should I serve it with BBQ sauce on buns? Boy I sound like a rookie now don't I Wink ?

When it's done at 2-4 a.m., I will probably just get a fork nad have at it Big Grin .
Original Post
I tends to dry out if you don't eat it right away. So, you might want to have a plan for that.

I wouldn't trim the fat off, but leave it on. When you warm it up, you only want to warm it, not cook it, so set your oven for about 150 and reheat it until it hits about 140 internal.

When you cut it up, you'll know if it's dry or not. If it's dry, just have some beef stock ready (flavor it with some of your rub) and use that.


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