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I got my new (used - new to me) cookshack 250 hooked up yesterday. I disconnected the receptacle for the large window a/c and wired in a plug for the cookshack. Don't need ac this time of year anyway. I cleand the inside of the unit, removed the racks and tried to clean them to pristie, to no avail. I decided I only needed two racks to start anyway, so I cleaned them for now. The others would have to wait, I've got smoking to do.

The only wood I could find at the Home Depot store was mesquite and hickory, so I decided on the hickory to season with. Put some in and cranked it up. It's late afternoon and I'm thinking it will be 8 pm before this 4 hour seasoning is done, man I need to cook something! I had bought some beef ribs and a 9.5 lb. pork butt at the store while in town getting the electrical stuff - both were on sale. I can't wait till 8 pm to put the ribs in..... surely it wouldn't hurt to throw them in half way through the initial seasoning...... five hours later ....Mmmmmmmm cookshack beef ribs at midnight! Awesome!

Now it's the following morning, the weather man predicted a light frost for this morning maybe 31 degrees. I'm up and ready to put that butt in the cookshack, it's been sitting in seasoning in the fridge since last night. I look at my little indoor/outdoor thermometer and it says 24 degrees! I know for some of you easterners that isn't very cold, but for us Central Cal guys thats cold. The pipes are wrapped, but must've missed somewhere because there is no water coming out of the ol kitchen faucet. Now the mind starts working:

Barbecue....... Pipes......
Barbecue....... Pipes......

The scales of priority are tipping back and forth. I mean the damages is done right? I probably won't find any broken pipes till it warms up anyway. I took a shower last night, and the wife is already gone to work after leaving a note about now water. Who needs water anyway? The butt is wrapped in foil, I could probably open it an flip it on the rack without touching the meat - don't need to wash my hands for a couple hours, right?

Needless to say the cookshack is fired up, the butt is on, smoke is rising, and I'm sitting here next to the fireplace sharing this strange feeling I have inside, while waiting for any sign of a waterspout erupting outside! I have this strange urge to go outside and set a chair in front of the cookshack and just watch it smoke! But reason kicks in and I know the 12 to 15 hours minimum for a butt this size as I've learned about on this great forum would make MY butt hurt sitting that long.

So, here I sit sharing my newfound obsession with a bunch of great folks I've never met before...... hoping I will find solace in the fact that there are others out there who share this same affliction. BARBECUE ON MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! This newbie is hooked!

I have hundreds of questions but have found thousands of answers on this forum. Thanks so much for all the help. This is a great resource.

Waiting and watching for that first butt!


P.S. - my login says "hayman" because I grow hay, my name is Jack - guess you figured that out by now. God bless, happy queing!
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Not sure if it's Kosher to reply to your own post, but I've got an update: Big Grin It's almost 11 am pacific time, I checked the smoker - doing great, checked the kitchen faucet - it's running again, checked outside - no gyser of water, ate two cold ribs from last nigths "seasoning session" for brunch.... Life is GOOOOOOOOOOD!

Now I gotta get out to work.
Thanks SmokinOkie!

I love the cookshack. Even with all my newbie mistakes the first butt came out great. Instead of picking a target serve time and working backward, I just put the butt in as soon as I could which was 9:30 am yesterday. As evening came I realized I could be up late. I had set the time for 12 hours which I knew would be short. At 9:30 pm the temp was 174 degrees. Thanks to all who have mentioned the "plateau" at this point because it was in the middle of it. Added a couple hours. Woke up at 12:30, cs had gone to hold, meat temp was on it's way down. Checked inside(this was the first time I opened it up!). The phrase "It's done when it's done" kept ringing in my ears. Added 4 hours to the cook time. I happen to wake up at 4:30 am, looked out the window to see 195 degrees on the probe! CS had just gone to hold temp. Did the rack flop into a pan, turned off the cs, put the foiled butt back in and went back to bed. Now it's 8 am and My wife and I had the best Sunday morning pork breakfast, and I discovered my wife is a bark eater. She loved it. I'll be taking the rest to family dinner this evening.

Now.... what to buy at the store after church? Ribs, chicken, decisions, decsions.

I didn't get a complete log but here are the ones I got:

9.7 lb. butt in at 9:30 p.m
12 noon 133
3:30-163, 4:35-164, 5pm 167, 5:40 169, 6pm 170, 7:30 174, 8:20 175, 9:30 174 (cs went to hold temp, reset), 12:30am 172 (I fell asleep! on hold again!, reset), 4:30 am 195 degrees.

Total time 19 hours.

I had wondered if cooking a single piece of meat in the large cs 250 all by itself might dry the meat out, but it was super juicy and tender. Cooking with the huge fat cap on top was new to me also, but it sluffed right off when pulling. Added a small amoutn of sauce to the meat when pulling. It was great.

Thanks again to all who share their experience with us newbies.


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