I've noticed a LOT of comments in here about butt times taking more than 2 hours or some up to 3 hours a pound.
When I had my smokette, they ALWAYS got done in under 1.5 hours per pound. I knew the internal temp of my smoker because I monitored it.
Guess I'm going to have to borrow a Smokette from CS and run a test to prove it again.
I'm not sure what's going on, but something ain't right. If I cook a 7 lb butt in an oven, in the hours, it won't take but a little more than an hour per pound.
So, I know the temp of 225 to 250 and I know the weight, but what you're telling me doesn't agree with what I know from doing this over 30+ years.
I KNOW from that same experience, if I cook at 180 or 200 then the times will extend dramatically, upwards of the mysterious 2 to 3 pound range.
The only thing I can consider is that the temp on the setting of the smoker that is being quoted, and the temp inside the smoker aren't the same and someone hasn't calibrated/tested the smoker.
I know some have and still get long hours, and I know some haven't.
What's up guys, you got me baffled here?
Try some at 250 and see if you still get 2 hours a pound, if you do, then we'll talk some more.
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