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Dear Forum Member,

I have just returned from a board meeting of the National Barbecue
Association, and I am really excited about the conference we are putting
together for you. We are getting seminar leaders scheduled, and I will post
more about that later. The Adams Mark in Houston offers great
accommodations, with good conference rates, and lots of space for outdoor
events. Smokin' Okie will be there, and you've got to meet him in person to
see just how handsome he is. Smiler I will continue to fill you in as speakers
are scheduled and events are confirmed.

If you are not a member of the Association, consider joining. It's $30 for
first time members. You will receive the National Barbecue News, official
publication of the NBBQA, monthly. We are working on a member benefits
package that will include discounts and premiums when you buy from trade
members' businesses (including Cookshack).

My position on the Board is Region 2 Vice President. Region 2 encompasses
Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri. If you are in one of those
states and you would like to get more involved in the NBBQA, contact me.
It's a fun organization and you would meet great people.

Here's the Association's official press release, telling you whom to contact
for more information:

Join barbecuers from around the world! February 22 - 24, 2002, the National
Barbecue Association will host its 11th annual Conference and Trade Show at
the Adams Mark Hotel, Houston, Texas. For more information about exhibiting
or attending, please contact Antebellum Hospitality at 800/788-7077.
Conference seminars will be listed soon on the National Barbecue Association


PS If you contact the Association, tell them Donna from Cookshack sent you.
I want them to know how hard I am working!
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