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Long story short, my neighbor came over and wants me to CS 6 baby back racks tomorrow for a party. I have a smokette, has anyone done this many racks in a smokette before? How did it work?
Also I don't have enough CS Rib Rub for this many. Anyone point me to a good substitute? I do have plenty CS Chicken Rub. Thanks for all your help.

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Good morning, Liverdal. My wife is "Jonathan's Mom" too. How 'bout that!?

I don't own a CS, so I am an authority...But, I've heard these dudes using hooks to hang ribs in their CSs. See what I mean? Remove shelves; hang many ribs. Hang from what? I don't know. Maybe leave in one rack. Some CS owner will wake up when the sun crosses the Mississippi and report in. You can loosely roll those ribs, too. Looks odd, but smoking works ok.

As for rubs, check the top of your screen. Find "search". Go there. Type in "rub." Click "recipes" to limit your search. Go! Boom! Many rubs. Here's one. Notice heavy on the paprika. Good luck.

"osted by Dave fro Pittsburgh

Rendevous Rub

2T Hungarian Paprika
2t Seasoned Salt
2t Black Pepper
2t Garlic Powder
2t Onion Powder
1t Oregano
1t Dry Mustard
1/2t Chili Powder
1/2t Ground Red Pepper

I also add; 1-1/2T Turbinado Sugar 1/2t Cinnamon"

It worked great!! To make things a little easier on me, I cut the racks in half. Then I staggered 4 halves on each rack. The top and bottom racks were layed out east to west. The middle rack, north to south. So if you were looking at it from above, the racks would make a plus sign. At the two hour mark, I rotated the top and bottom racks, as Smokin'Okie recommended, and spritzed with apple juice. At four hours, I took half the racks off and left the other half for another hour. They turned out wonderful, according to my neighbor. The only other thing I did was add a little extra wood at the beginning because I knew opening the CS half way through I would lose alot of smoke. The only down side to this working out so well... I don't have an excuse to get the model 50. I was saying to DH we need the 50 to do more racks-- darn they made the Smokette TOO well. Wink


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