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I am planning on smoking some chicken thighs later this afternoon and I would like to get a recipe for some kind of glaze to put on the chicken while it smokes. So if anyone out there is willing to share a good glaze recipe that would be great. Also, all the recipe's I have say to smoke the chicken for 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs, if anyone has a better suggestion that would be great to.

Thanks, David T McGowan
Original Post
this is a glaze i am playing around with for competition. it is kind of off the wall but so far the neighbors have liked it.
1/2 c. soy sauce
1 c. sugar
3 Tbs. minced garlic
2 oz. ginger, fresh, thin sliced
1/4 c. fresh lime juice
zest of one lemon
add everything to a very thick walled sauce pan.
start on high heat and keep stirring until it hits the boil.
reduce heat and reduce until it is thick. takes about 4 mins on my stove.
i have strained it before using as a mop but to be honest i prefer it unstrained.
i mopped at 20 min intervals about one hour before done on a very slow smoker.
hope this isn't too late for you in utah. bout 6pm here in florida
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!

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