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Is there any place online where I can buy a packer cut brisket and have it flown in?? Un cooked of course.....

It's even difficult to find a picnic butt anymore....Got lucky yesterday and happen to see just one, so I grabbed it fro upcoming weekend.

I'm sure there has to be a place out west that sells brisket online...... right?

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Are there any restaurants around there? If there is there should be a sales person that selles thier groceries to them [wholesaler]thats what they are. the type of refer truck that is in our area and we buy from is U S Food ,Ben F.Keith. ask the driver who is delivering to the restaunt to have the sales person to get ahold of you or get the persons phone # to you.
Last edited by Former Member
I would suggest checking out meat wholesalers. Give them a call and explain your situation.
I got an account over the phone. I just have to pay the state sales tax.
Problem is................they normally make ya buy a case. Maybe you could get a few folks to share a case.
Just my 2 cents here.

Like bbqbull says,most meat markets have a supplier that will sell cases.

They freeze fine for at least a year,if you have the room.

If you have Sam's,Costco,etc., they will let you shop-usually with a 5% premium.

As mentioned,wallyworld is a possible source.

The online sales are not great,are very expensive,and the shipping is killer.
I called several places on the (Maryland) Eastern Shore where I live and one guy would sell me one for $4.30 a lb for 12-13lbs or sell me a 5 -6lb for $5.50 per lb.

I called as far as Delaware and found another supplier, he said it would cost me $2.19 per pound, problem is like Tom mentioned, I have to buy a case ~ around 70lbs!!! EGAD!! I'd have to go in with someone or find another freezer.

I still have a place up the road but the place looks like an old reconverted gas station, never seen a new coat of white paint, or bleach ini many years.

I bought from them before ($2.00 per lb) and was very happy. I think it's a local family owned buisness. I didn't see any USDA stickers either. Was just wondering what his kitchen facility looks like?

Thank for everyone's reply.......

Oh, where I live they don't allow Wally World's, I'd have to drive back to the mainland for that (50 miles).

I'll find one, I can drive over the bridge and make a day of it with my cooler and many ice packs.


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