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Tossed in a brisket (10.5 lbs., 225 deg., choice angus) at 4 a.m. this morning. At 8:15 the internal food temp on both the Maverick and the 025 meat probe said 180 degrees. I thought that was weird,especially after only 4 hours. I went back to bed,got up again and checked it around 10:20 a.m and both said internal temp was 162 degrees. Everything is working fine. Now at 11:28 a.m., my internal temp on both probes ( maverick and smoker meat probe) is at 185 degrees. Anyone ever have this happen before? Maybe I was dreaming???? Smiler
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I saw it once. It freaked me out, but then I don't normaly watch my AQ that close. That same smoke I hung around the smoker enough to experiance the "boom" you hear about

I've been smoking with Cookshack for close to 10 years now (started with an 09). After 2 freak outs in 1 smoke i decided it was time to go back to set it and forget it
This has happened to me on several occasions. It is mostly a product of convergence of dry bulb and wet bulb temps. Meat temp rises quickly then either stalls or falls as evaporation occurs in the muscle. As the meat cooks it loses moisture and the relative humidity falls. Once meat and surrounding air temp have matching relative humidity, the internal meat temp will begin to climb again. Were you smoking a lot of meat relative to the capacity of your smoker?
Originally posted by ossie:
...Once meat and surrounding air temp have matching relative humidity, the internal meat temp will begin to climb again...

Not to threadjack...

Maybe we should take that to a new thread.

Not sure I agree with the science or the statement.

Where did you get that information from (i've seen it before, just don't remember where)? I've seen it before and I believe quite a few people disagreed with it.

But if we have solid food science behind it, then it would be an interesting statement.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by ossie:
...Once meat and surrounding air temp have matching relative humidity, the internal meat temp will begin to climb again...

Not to threadjack...

Maybe we should take that to a new thread.

Not sure I agree with the science or the statement.

Where did you get that information from (i've seen it before, just don't remember where)? I've seen it before and I believe quite a few people disagreed with it.

But if we have solid food science behind it, then it would be an interesting statement.

Check out and search STALL
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by ossie:
...Once meat and surrounding air temp have matching relative humidity, the internal meat temp will begin to climb again...

Not sure I agree with the science or the statement.

Where did you get that information from (i've seen it before, just don't remember where)? I've seen it before and I believe quite a few people disagreed with it.

But if we have solid food science behind it, then it would be an interesting statement.

This may be what you're referring to. Or maybe this.
Originally posted by dls:
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Originally posted by ossie:
...Once meat and surrounding air temp have matching relative humidity, the internal meat temp will begin to climb again...

Not sure I agree with the science or the statement.

Where did you get that information from (i've seen it before, just don't remember where)? I've seen it before and I believe quite a few people disagreed with it.

But if we have solid food science behind it, then it would be an interesting statement.

This may be what you're referring to. Or maybe this.

That's the same article from Smiler
Originally posted by Joe M:
Thread jack complete! Eeker

There's more info out there on the subject so maybe, as Smokin' suggested, a new thread is probably appropriate. What I haven't seen are disagreements or rebuttals that are backed up with scientific fact or evidence. Just a bunch of personal opinions. So far, it appears that science trumps myth.
Last edited by dls
Originally posted by dls:
Originally posted by Joe M:
Thread jack complete! Eeker Smokin' suggested, a new thread ...

Agreed, we haven't had a good "discussion" and I'm feeling kind of feisty today. I'll start it Big Grin

Here's the thread:

The Stall Discussion

Just a note for newbies. There are some great ideas and discussions that happen buried deep within someone else's thread. Never hesitate to take it to a "new" thread like we have here.
Last edited by Former Member

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