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I was doing my Turkey Drumsticks yesterday testing my new brine and my neighbor who has shown interest in my Amerique came over and asked if I would smoke some venison tenderloin for him. I was a little concerned about not drying it out. So I decided to try the new brine on this as well.

I mixed up a batch and gave it to him and he put two nice pieces of well trimmed white tail tenderloin in to soak yesterday. He brought them over along with two big links of venison sausage today. I patted the tenderloin pieces dry and gave them a good coating of EVOO and dusted them lightly with my basic rub

I put a chunk of cherry and one of pecan (about 2 oz. total) in the wood box. The venison was smoked at 250 and pulled at 130 on the bigger piece. The sausage was smoked along with the tenderloin and by the time the venison was done so was the sausage. They both turned out very juicy and tasty.

A little while after I took the neighbor his goodies, he came back over and really looked my smoker over and asked a bunch of questions. Looks like we might soon have another Cookshack owner......
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