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Installed the new 225 controller last night, changed the timing setting on the new board to match the old one. In the process I lost the digital readout, the 225 board does not have it.

Put two nice briskets on this morning at 7:30am, plan on smoke setting for four hours and then turning up to 225. On Sunday I going to do the same thing but use the next setting up, probably 250. I am using a probe in each brisket and another probe hanging in the pit to record exact pit temperatures. Using the thermapen probes with their smokehouse probes, accurate within 1 degree.

Will report on results.
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The 225 controller that they sent me has a little led about the dial. I believe when it is not at temp it is yellow and when temp is achieved it turns green. Have not seen the green yet.

It does not have the digital readout that the orginal 180 unit has that shows the probe temp inside the pit, wish it did, I like seeing the temp.
Just got back from Duck game (Ducks beat UCLA) and checked progress. When I switched the FE to 225 at 11:30am (after four hours on smoke)noted that the smoke setting was running at 165 briskets were 96. Now four hours later at 225 they are sitting at 161 and 152. The pit internal temp at 225 cycles from 208-250. Over a fourty degree swing. I wonder how high is the high with the 250 setting. I bet that puppy is hitting over 280. Hope those briskets get going, I am getting hungry.
Finished the two all day briskets and then put two more on a 10:00pm, 225 setting and cooked for twelve hours overnight until 189 internal. Let set for 1 1/2 hours, and just tried. Wish I could have turned them in. Not overcooked, not burned on edges, did not turn, just set it and forget it. Could not tell that much difference between the ones that I ran on the smoke setting for four hours and then turned to 225. Will do more testing next weekend. These briskets are very moist and not dried out, much more moisture than on the WSM's.

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