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Hello all. I am trying to figure out which smoker to buy. I was looking at the Smokette but I am not sure whether its big enough for what I will use it for. For example this weekend we are having a party. I am planning on making pulled pork, 6 slabs of baby backs and 2 Chickens. Can I fit both the pork and the ribs in a smokette? Would things come out better in a larger smoker? Any input would help.

Oh... on my Displayed Name... My last name if Funk and my Mom taught me how to BBQ so one night my buddies and I came up with Mother Funkers BBQ....
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If using your Smokette,you'd probably put the butt on in the late evenin' and let it go overnight.

Foil,wrap and cooler it ,until ready to pull.

In the morning,you could do your ribs, foil & cooler them and finish on the grill.

After lunch you could throw some yardbirds and a handful of mixed sausages[for snackin'] in the CS.

You could finish ribs and yardbirds for a few minutes on the grill.

The pork would pull in minutes and they could be snackin' on the sausages.

The six slabs of loinbacks would be tight,so you'd have to pack well and do some rotatin'.

A bigger cooker would allow you to start your ribs on top and add the yardbirds to the lower shelves later on.

A very large butt could take 16-24 hrs. and small loinbacks could take as little as three,so I usually don't cook them together anyway.

Of course that means you have to cook at the same temps.

Hope this helps a little.

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