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I thought I might post a new thread as what may be the newest "published" owner of a Cookshack Smokette II.

I got mine home at about 5:00 PM. The owner of the store I bought the cooker from followed me home and helped me tote it to my porch and set it up.

It is now getting seasoned with some wood chunks that came with the cooker. It looks like it might rain, but I am optimistic that the clouds will pass me by tonight?

A question arises from unpacking the cooker. A bag of wood was inside, but unless you are an aborist or some such, how do you tell what kind of wood was in the bag?

Brisket tomorrow? Smiler
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an aborist or some such

Yo, Bobby Que, you're my kinda guy.

Am an abortive aborist myself....

These CS dudes should chime in any time, now. (I am a primitive, hanging out in the shadows of the CS Nation. [which means I own a Brinkman...and these CS people call it "cheapo".] ) But, someone will suggest you "season" that beast before you put that brisket in those smokey chambers...
Don't know where the heavies are. Smokin Okie was last seen dodging Jayhawks, trying to learn about how bad the gators are.
Me, I've got 5 mullet, and I'll smoke them in the AM. Good luck. ACARRIII (You know what a mullet is? Ask old Tom)
Sho, I know what a mullet is. Only, you can't get them around here any more. I want to smoke some in the CS if I can hang on to a few.
If you are in Gainesville, I am an alum from the Uf of so many years ago I dont want to tell.
Just got home rom a party, and it did not rain a lot, and the CS is seasoning away- it's going to be ready for the brisket in the morning.
Big Grin
Bobby Que ~

Congratulations on the arrival of your new CS.

The wood you received with the smoker was probably Hickory. Both CS units I've purchased came with 5 lb. boxes of Hickory. You can order a variety of wood through the CS website...Mesquite, Apple 7 Pecan to name a few.

Remember...a little wood goes a long way so don't overload the woodbox.
nope, no pecan.

I buy mine in the local area. the Midwest Albertson's have 20lb backs of chunks sitting out front for $9.99 a bag. Great price, still have lots left, so you probably have time to drive down from NJ. LOL.

The official name that the Q nation has given to the Brinkman is ECB (El Cheapo Brinkman) and I got my start on one. They we always use the "cheapo" with fun. Heat control is their biggest problem.

dodged that Jayhawk AC, and I won't go into how heavy the load I had to carry in that golf tournament was, but it was a Great time.
Bobby Que, Tampa it is. I Should have noticed that on your first posting. A neighbor, and a Gator to boot.
The big purveyor of seafood here said the same thing you did: Can't find mullet. I had to go to another (fabulous) locally owned country store. Mullet are scarce because the commercial fishermen have to use cast nets. Until a few years ago, it was gill nets. But, a "net ban" was passed. A lot of screaming here in the Sunshine State. Now mullet are less available, but sport fishing on the coast has improved.
You probably know all that, but the CS readership might be interested.
I will try to perfect the smoked mullet technique, and then try to trade with a kindly CS person from the Northwest for a salmon.
Good thinking, aye? How's that brisket? acarriii

The brisket has hit 145 degrees at a little over 2 hours with cooker on 225.

I am posting to the Beginners forum about this first effort.

I have not looked for mullet in a while. I used to put butter, soy sauce and/or barbeque sauce on them and sprinkle them with lemon juice when I did them in a wet smoker. Now, you have me curious to find some here.
The brisket has hit 145 degrees at a little over 2 hours with cooker on 225.

Bobby, no problem. It might hit a plateau about 160 and sit there (it may seem like) forever. Then it will continue rising to your desired temp.

It ~should~ take about an hour and a half per pound, but that's merely a guesstimate. As Smokin' will tell you, "It's done when it's done".

Each brisket is different.

Am sure you and your family are going to love it. Smiler

Regards, Mike
And this little discourse is precisely why I'm looking for a smoke proof laptop. That way I could sit by my smoker and keep in touch with the Forum. Get help. Make observations. What I'm thinking is an interactive Smokin Okie. Check out this thread and what do you see? Bobby Que is running in and out, from the BBQ to the desk top. Making reports; getting tips. CS needs to come out with a CS smoke proof, rub proof, mop proof, and spittle proof lap top. And a digitized Smokin Okie.
Climb that plateau, Bobby Que. The force is with you. 190 or bust. acarriii

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