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Smokette is still in the box. Plan on doing Pork Butt this weekend. Here's the plan, please let me know if I am missing anything important.

Preparing meat on Friday night with rub and then will refrigerate. Following Renowned Mr. Brown recipe from Smoke and Spice. Will fire up the smoker late on Saturday night with hickory and/or oak. Is 225 degrees about the right temperature. No plans to mop. Assume 6 lb piece of meat. Will stick a roast thermometer in the next morning (no Polder or similar yet). Plan to take out at 205 or so. Likely done long before we plan to have guests later in the day. Will wrap in aluminum foil and stick in an ice chest. Plan to remove and pull before serving. Will use a vinegar based sauce (recipe in book) and mustard slaw.

Am I missing anything important? My only experience with Q (other than eating) is ribs a few times in a Weber water smoker. Real excited about the Smokette. Any input or advice is appreciated.
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to give you an idea ( and since i am working a split shift today and just happen to have pork collars going in the southern pride unit at work) i am using 225 temp after cooking from 11.30am till 1.40pm i had internal temp of 100 degrees and for god's sakes dont ask me why they insist on cooking them frozen. they should be done around 4.30pm today. from that you can make your own adjustments. dont panic if internal temp holds for a while you just hit a plateau. my self i use about 1hr to 90mins a pound and this is on cold not frozen meat.
the mr brown is a really kewl recipe!!!!! but as the last post said season yer rig!!!!
hope this helpped and made sense as i really need a nap and am kinda stumbling
ps. times i gave were for my fec100
Sounds like a plan. I usually do two of that size or so at the same time and it seems like they are on for somewhere in the 16 hour range.(My notes are at home...) Sitting in the cooler wrapped for a while definitely is a plus to the final result.

The butt temp may be a little difficult to figure out without the remote thermometer. There are various theories about how much each door opening event adds to the cook time so you might want to minimze the openings.

Otherwise, I would say proceed with confidence.

Thanks everybody. I can't remember the last time I was so excited about doing something for the first time (and I guess in that case it certainly didn't last for 10 hours).

If I were to go out and purchase a remote thermometer on Saturday, any recommendations on brands or what I should look for?

Another question. Since I'll be leaving this out back of my house over night, has anyone had problems with animals? While I have not set it up yet, it appears that the drip pan could attract some of my local wildlife.
It seems like most of the therms are made by the same group of chinese prisoners.

Taylor seems to be one that lots of folks have stuck with.

Target stores seem to have a decent selection.

One with an off switch might save a little battery life.

A shrink seal where the probe and cable come together is a nice water resisting feature.

The Pyrex brand from the bed/bath stores have done ok for all the people we have given them to.

If you want the cordless remote,Maverick is the one most folks use.

Hope this helps a little.
Be careful if you have greyhounds in the neighborhood. We just did a practice cook for Minneola FL. Everything was sealed inside a cooler with lock downs. Moose, the big fellow, has almost deciphered the lock downs. But I don't expect less from him, he can open pickle jars without breaking the jar. Don't store your
goodies around greyhounds.

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