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Hey everyone, just got a new cookshack and have only smoked in it 3 times but had a question. I'm getting dripping black goop from the vent hole, I know where there is smoke there is goop but was wondering if it gets better with age. Pulled my salmon out and the piece just below the hole was marinated in nasty black goop that ruined the piece of fish. Other than leaving the center of the grate clear which wont be possible with pork butt etc does this get better with age. I also ran a few extra dry runs with no food to help increase the seasoning and have had no luck, Ken
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First time I remember this question, so consider yourself a first!

Normal smokers, black goop would be a buildup of Creosote. But haven't seen that in a CS as we talk about keeping the inside clean, but never a buildup like that and certainly not after 3 smokes.

How much wood did you put through there when you seasoned it?

And how much do you use when you regularly smoke?

I have to clean the top hole off/out after every cook. It drips the stuff Ken is talking about a lot. I avoid putting anything directly underneath this hole when possible. Or I put a handmade tin foil "pan" under the hole to catch this nasty stuff. I forgot last week when I did a turkey breast and had to wipe this stuff off the bird when it was done.

I have cleaned out this hole with brushes many times. Wiped the dry crusties off of it after it has sat for a while unused. Looks to me like a lip on the "nut" is collecting moisture and dripping, taking with the drips the black residue. All my wood is well dried. I have just learned to cook around it, using the tin pan method.

I got the same thing after a point where the soot built up on the roof. I just took a putty knife and scraped away the "chunky" stuff on the underside of the top section. Being especially careful to clean around the vent hole. Problem went away.

I would imagine that it might be partially caused by the moisture in the meat. Nowadays I tend to let my ribs and chicken sit out a bit before I put them in the smoker. The problem really seemed to be worse if I put product in the smoker I had marinated overnight in the fridge. Before I cleaned up the smoker I could open the door and actually see all the condensation around the vent hole. Anyway, hope this helps.
I have the same problem, anything right under the vent hole gets this black crap on it. I have done many racks of almonds, even the second rack gets this stuff as it filters down through the top rack. I noticed the almonds are a different texture when they are coated with this stuff. They have a different taste also.

I just assumed it was a natural thing and everyone had this problem. It isn't a very appealing sight on a chicken or turkey.

When I first received my 009 I noticed that the vent was a little loose. Holding the top fitting I tightened inside fitting and it was fine.

I think what happens is that heat gets trapped inside the "ceiling" of the smoker, then condenses, mixes with the creasote, and drips inside the smoker.

Try tightening the fitting and it may solve your problem.

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