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I just received the 008 and am seasoning the thing like the direction say -- It says to expect a little smoke out of the vent-- no problem.

The question is --- Is the whole thing supposed to look like it is on fire?? Smkoke is coming from all different parts of the thing..

And of couse I checked to make sure the thing was close properly and it is apparently sealed up tight as anything.

Also has anyone notices if all the legs are suppose to be different sizes? essentially rocking back and forth on flat ground....
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Sooko, Welcome to the forum and conrgats on your purchase.

Don't mind the smoke coming from various places. Most of the leaks will eventually seal after a few smokes. Now the wobbley (sp) legs, I'll leave that up to someone else.

Be sure to read SmokinOkies 101s and Lessons for New Users.

Lots of great people here willing and able to assist you with your smoking needs.

Don't fret with your new toy! After your seasoning, Grab a fatty pork butt for your first smoke to set the seasoning in. The fun is just beginning! Big Grin

Good luck!
Thanks everyone-- I am trying to get the hang of the smoker--

Adjusting the legs did work--

Smoked some chicken wings - for an upcoming cookoff that I am in-- follow the initial intructions , please but took an extra 2 1/2 hrs from what the recipe book said--

Also got a pork but to see what would happen- have to say I am concerned about the unit-- followed instructions for a 5 lb butt. -- I started with a 4 1/2 lb --- was in this am at 500 am -- was excited to use it..

we are on hr -- 13 now and the internal temp is 142 degrees--

took it out to check the butt and was suprised that I could remove it with my bare hands -- infact had the unit set at 225
and could easily remove the grill with no fear of burns--

Any ideas out there-- possible defective unit????

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