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This forum is awesome. Just got my 08 last week. After seasoning, I smoked an 8 lb Pork Shoulder. I thought it'd take about 16 hrs, but it took 26 hours to reach internal temp 192. What the .. !?!
I'd read enough of "It's done when it's done" that I just left it alone. Well, it was worth the wait. The out-laws were amazed. Very tender (almost too tender), very juicy.

Okay, Trying smoke #2 today. Have a question. I've an 11 lb brisket (folded) on the bottom shelf, fat side down. Then a 8.5 lb Pork Shoulder on the shelf above it. Should I have put the brisket on the middle shelf and the shoulder on the top shelf? The shoulder would've touched the top of the smokette..

Anyway, I'm "HOPING" the shoulder will be done in 16 hrs, but expecting the brisket to be done in less than 24, since it is so close to the element. Another question. When I remove the shoulder, should I cut off the flat of the brisket (I'd expect the flat to be done sooner) and then move the brisket to a higher shelf?
Thanks for any input !

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Sounds like you are doing a good job. Your questions are very subjective. Do what makes sense to you.

What temp did you cook the first butt at?

Put the butt on the highest shelf you can get by with and put the brisket right under it. Start out on 200* and turn up to 225* after 6 hours. When either cut of meat seems to be in the 'plateau', turn it up to 250* and leave there. When the first one gets done, take it out in a hurry and wrap/cooler. I like my butts at 205* and my briskets at 215*. They should look like meteorites when done.

Yep, allow plenty of time, might take a while. They will stay hot for more than a few hours if you wrap in HD foil twice, towels twice, put in a small cooler, possible prewarmed with hot water.

Experiment, keep good notes, HAVE FUN!


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