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I plugged my smoker into an outlet I don't usualy use. It was GFI protected and it popped. I went to bed and didn't notice that it turned off immediately. My Brisket sat for 7 hours. The night was cool and the meat was 38 deg. when it went in. In the morning, the smoker temp. and the meat were 53 deg. Is it ok to smoke cook it and eat it? If it was poultry or fish I would say no way. I don't know about beef. Any experts out there know? Eat it or trash it?
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Yikes!!!, better safe than sorry.

I would have cooked it for practice. I have been pushing the feel like butter a little farther everytime.

This would have been the perfect time to pushed it a little to far, maybe!

I diffently wouldn't have ate it, but I would have sliced to see if it held together(pencil width), but hey that's just me having a little FUN when things go wrong.

SORRY to hear about the issues you encountered, but you have the right approach, cook another!
I was tempted to rub the other real quick and throw it on. You know, when you're really looking forward to smoked meat and ice cold Coors its tough to drop it in the trash. I'll let the other one sit overnight and eat it tomorrow.
I've put a brisket on in the middle of the night a few times and I've always watched the temp. rise to be sure it was cooking. I just got complacent/careless and use the wrong outlet and went to bed.
I'll just break out the grill today.
This is the only place where nobody harasses me for eating too much Meat!

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