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Being snowed in at home has advantages, I get to think about Q a little more.So I,m working on a theory to try in a couple weeks so please give me fuel for thoughts for or against any of them.

We know that smoke starts to faid at around 140*,so I have to get pb cold(ice water in cooler). I cook low to let that tough,fatty pb try to asorb smoke.

We know that bps have to unwind/say. Heres my theory, we shouldn,t have to worry about drying pb out,because we have a cs. The meat needs to be warmed up during wall to help seperate.For this example I use crushed ice, Take a cup of fresh crushed ice and put your probe in it, amazing. Now if we could seperate that meat and fat like this maybe the heat wouldn't make it as hot as a guy thinks or there would be air pockets that would help render pb.

After the wall is done turn heat back down so ther would be equalization in juices.

Just a theory please chime in so I will have more fuel for my thoughts.

Happy New Years my friends!!!!!!!
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Thanks for reminding me Tigerfan, KISS works for me. I'll try my next atempt togiht. Having birthday party at in outlaws, told eveyone I would bring pbs if they got fixens. After having too much TO-kill ya(tequilla) last night thought that I better keep it simple student.HEE.HEE. My buddy also bought 7lb pb to smoke.I quess I must be producing eatable meat.

I will start it tonight put it in at 225 and get some sleep.
2nd attempt turned out better than 1st,but still had a few problems. I had 2 pbs from sams, don't have scales but probably 9lb and 6lb. My buddy ran by store and got 7lb pb. I put rub on 20 minutes put in smoker with big on bottom in middle and two other on top in middle but out at sides. I probed my two set cs020 on 225 at 7;40pm outside temp 16*,pbs 37*.

Today at 6:40 my little 176* and the other 181* I thought everything looked ok. at 10:40 my little 189* and the other 197*, I then opened door rechecked my big a pocket 184* so I probed . I checked my other 185* I checked my buddys 174*

I now have 184* on my big and probed my buddy at 174*. I went to 1:40 in the afternoon my big said 194* but my buddies was 180. I opened door and probed both of mine 194* and 195*, my buddies was from 193 to 184. The bone still seemed a little firm offered to put back in but he said no.

I foiled and put in warm cooler 4 hrs.I put more rub on this time and 3oz cherry and 2 1/2oz hickory. I was really pleased, was complaimented by ALL the older people!

It seemed like my buddies pb was a lot leaner than mine his didn't hold shape very well. I'm opened to any thoughts....Also am I better off to probe one with both probes or keep doing top and bottom?

oh, it did get down to 6* last night

I would like to thank everyone that made this smoke possible.

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