Thanks everyone-- I am trying to get the hang of the smoker--
Adjusting the legs did work--
Smoked some chicken wings - for an upcoming cookoff that I am in-- follow the initial intructions , please but took an extra 2 1/2 hrs from what the recipe book said--
Also got a pork but to see what would happen- have to say I am concerned about the unit-- followed instructions for a 5 lb butt. -- I started with a 4 1/2 lb --- was in this am at 500 am -- was excited to use it..
we are on hr --> 13 now and the internal temp is 142 degrees--
took it out to check the butt and was surprised that I could remove it with my bare hands -- infact had the unit set at 225
and could easily remove the grill with no fear of burns--
Any ideas out there-- possible defective unit????
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