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Last weekend we were cooking "Q" at the drag races in Great Bend KS when we have to evacutate due to a tornado. I closed the trailer and took off, leaving the FE on its own. When we returned, the trailer & cooker were OK , although left with no power. Anything around the trailer, (trash barrels, tables, and a drink caddie weighing 250-300#) were blown away. The FE
was still upright, and started right back up as soon as power was restored.
Now if I can just get it to quit burning the gaskests out of the door......
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I'm with you on the gaskets. I have done everything that has been suggested and go no higher than 375* (also suggested) and yet the FE still fries the lower portion of the gasket. I have been saving the part that hasn't burnt and when in need, I can piecework a gasket together. Tony was going to check with Eddie and the Stuart to see if there is something I'm either missing or doing wrong.
I've tried that route already. Door doesn't close tight and it smokes like crazy out the door and not the exhaust. I have the fe100 you saw in Albany in the red trailer. If that worked, I'd save a bit a $ on gaskets. I'm still hoping Cookshack will tell me who they order from Wink .
By the way, it was nice meeting you and Ryan there in Albany.....Look forward to doing it again.
You probably need to trouble shoot what's happening with the gaskets. If they're in right, they're designed to keep the door sealed. If you get rid of them, the door won't seal (and like duck said, it's a smoker).

Not sure why some have problems with them and others don't but there's a reason. Don't think it's the design or the material otherwise everyone's would be burning up.

Just another adventure in BBQ land.
Never thought about cleaning the gaskets after each use, mainly 'cause I don't see anything on 'em. But what the hey, I'm gonna give it a try.
Smokinron, I'm with you on finding out where I can just order a roll of my own gasket material. Until then, I'll be in search of the cause be it something I'm doing (good odds there) or the FE. I will be throwing a thermo down where the gasket burns most often just to get a temp. to pass on to Tony.
Originally posted by Fred Smith:
[qb] Freddie,
What is your Point? [/qb]
Point being that if mine works without problems, than they all should work. Might be a new gasket supplier, or a bad batch of gaskets. I never empty the hopper, and I only vacumn out the ashes when they get pretty deep. I have never had any reason to baby my FE. It works all the time. Cool
couln't agree more. My current one has been flawless until the recent controller failure. Haven't cleanned it since spring. Sometimes it seems like each has a personallity of its own.

Papashaka burnned a gasket early on. He bent an angled shield that was rivetted to the door just above the gasket. As grease ran down the door, it was directed back into the cooker and didn't pool on the gasket.

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