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My brother has a bone in cured ham and wants me to smoke it for Christmas. He wants it cook like pulled pork (cooked to 195) so it would be tender enough to pull. My question is if i go that long with a cured ham will it be dried out? He says he usually cooks it in the oven on 225 for 8-10 hours and its just short of being pullable. What do you guys think will it be to dry.
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I haven't had a lot of success with "pulled" ham. It REALLY depends on the ham itself. If you take a normal ham to that temp, you're killing it. There isn't enough internal fat (just seams of fat) to keep the meat moist.

I haven't done it in a while, but do it like you do a Chuck Roast. Smoke it to your temp (say 140) then take it off, chunk it up and put the chunks in a pan with some liquid, then tent).

The idea is to braise (need the liquid) to a point that it's tender enough to pull.

I won't swear by this method.

The only substitute is to get some Picnic Hams and smoke them and they'll do it.

I just don't see a lot of success with "pulled" ham that wasn't the result of a fatty, fatty hunk of ham.

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