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Candy Weaver, I'm a pellethead. I cook with them, heat my house with them and my cat uses pellets too (dog's untrainable!). What would you do if you worked at a pellet plant? One must promote one's product! I currently have 3 pellet-fired pits. My pretty new FE100 now lives in the garage til its trailer is done. Shares space with the Nomad and the Smokette. Eddy, I should've bought one of these years ago. I'm pleased to be in such good company!
Hi, all. I'm Keri Cathey, from Broken Arrow OK, just a hair south of Tulsa, and about 90 miles from Ponca City. My husband of 25 years, Robert (aka BobCat) and I have been doing briskets for years, although we've never competed. I'm also proud to say that barbecue runs in my blood - my "hereditary" recipe for vinegar-based barbecue sauce and baste comes from my South Carolina low-country-born daddy, grand-daddy, great-grand-daddy, and HIS daddy - they have used it for at least a hundred years that we know of. Having grown up in Oklahoma away from the ancestral stomping grounds, that vinegary sauce isn't exactly my FIRST choice of sauces, but one can't argue with family tradition... <grin>

We cook on a trusty WSM most of the time when it's just for us, in which I almost always use pellets for smoke purposes - BBQrs Delight, of course. We also have a trailer-mounted log-burning OK Joe's clone that we fire up with pecan or peach when doing ribs and chicken for a crowd (1/4" steel 20" pipe, 48" horizontal, 48" vertical, 20" firebox). Haven't done briskets or butts on it simply because I don't want to stay up all night babysitting the thing. On the other hand, the WSM cooks are generally unattended all-nighters.

We've attended a number of area competitions, but only as on-lookers so far. I'll be taking the next judges' training that I can find in the area, and hope to maybe serve as a judge a few times before thinking about actually jumping in feet-first and competing. I've won a few blue ribbons in other cooking competitions, so I know that feeling when you get called up. It's very addictive.

If Candy keeps going on about how she loves that FE100 so much, then I fear that I may wind up with one at some point. We don't really do a lot of catering, although we do occasionally do a few custom turkeys or briskets to sell to someone if they ask us, and I occasionally do a big batch of ribs for my grandmother's buddies at her Senior's apartment complex. If we continue to increase this particular activity, I just may be able to justify that FE100...

I hang around Basso's BBQ Forum sometimes, and I'm more frequently on the Virtual Weber Bullet board where some of them actually think I know what I'm talking about! TVWB is down for the moment - changing ISP's. In the meantime, I continue to search for wisdom in the ways of smoke. If you ever see BobCat BBQ (smokin' on Tulsa Time) at a comp, it means that we finally got our courage up. Come by and say hello! Gentleman Jack, Dalwhinnie, Tangerine Shasta, and pecan make a good combination (although maybe not particularly all together...)

Regards to all, -Keri
(who has a well-deserved reputation for not being able to write a short post)
Hi! I'm Peggy. I've never smoked anything edible in my life. I grew up eating just about anything, though. The only thing I remember not trying was terrapin that my granddaddy cooked. I regret that now.
My husband is the one that does the smoking. He changed careers in his 40's to being a chef. But he smoked at home for 25 years I guess. We went to a lot of American Culinary Conventions. I got to try eating fun stuff like jellyfish. It tastes about the way it looks.
Anyway, we watched a show 3 years ago about a BBQ contest. I told Jack, "We could do that."
So, an idea is coming to fruition, now. I work as a mammographer and radiologic technologist, am ready to try something different. He's still working as a chef in a boys' prison.
We went to the NBBQA convention in Atlanta and just fell in love with the people. It's not at all like the ACF. Not a bunch of snooty-folks. REAL people. We met the cookshack representatives and I thought I might could learn to operate one of those smokers. So we have 2 smokers in Sunrise, FL, waiting to be installed in our TrailerTech, the manufacturing has been delayed a bit. We want to compete, get into catering, and vending.
I am good at side dishes and hard work. The people here are as nice as anyone I have ever met, although the forum is overwhelming! It is so huge!!!! Thanks for being here.
We live in St. Augustine, FL

2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
Hi, I'm Dustin Smith from Denver, CO but born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas. I'm 29 and learned about BBQ mainly from my dad who is a friend of Eddy's. I bought my FE-100 in the summer of 2003 and have been enjoying it ever since.

My first contest that I will actually be cooking in will be the Rocky Mountain BBQ Championship coming up later this month. My dad and I (Smoke N Suds) will be cooking next to Eddy at the contest.

I am also going to be taking a CBJ class before this contest, so I can learn a few things. I've been to the Royal before when I lived in KC, and been to the Frisco, Colorado contest for a few years.

Most of my BBQ experience has been what I've learned from my dad, what I've read and experimented with from forums such as this one. I'm certainly no expert, but I think what I am cooking at home is better than most restaurants now!

The FE/CS FE-100 is an excellent unit and works perfectly for me being in the climate of Colorado. I am not one that likes to mess around with a fire a whole lot, so the ease of cooking with this unit makes it a great fit.

My name is Chris Shelgren. I'm 29 years old living in San Francisco, CA. Growing up in Central Texas, BBQ was never consider a hobby but a way of life. Here brisket and German sausage ruled. Although I had many uncles who were darn good backyard cooks, it wasn't until I landed my first job at a BBQ Joint in Taylor, TX did I see the hard work that goes into smoking meat. We didn't have the best Q in town (that title rightfully belonged to Vencil Mares of Taylor Cafe) but still it was great place to learn.

Today I get my fix going back to Texas twice a year to participate in competetions with my brother-in-law's team. Lately I've been researching many different pits that will work in my limited outdoor space. I just orded the FE100 b/c it gives me a little more freedom than my offset pit.

I look forward to sharing my Qing adventures with ya'll.

-Chris "Kuhndog" Shelgren.
Hi, my name is Neil Shaw. I live in Central Calif. between Fresno and Bakersfield.I'm 57 years old and been cooking since I was tall enough to reach the stove. I love bbq'ing. Used charcoal and gas but never wood. I recently bought a Traeger Li'l Tex and just love it. The first thing I did was a first time Brisket and it came out beautiful. The Traeger is a no brainer type of smoking and cooking, just set it and forget it until it's time to take the meat off, my kind of cooking. I'll never go back to anything else except pellet cooking. One of these days I would like to go into competition, been looking at the FE grill and John Willinghams smoker.

If your ever in Ponca City be sure and stop at Chick n Millies "Blue Moon" bbq joint if it's still there, been 30 yrs since I've been there but they had some of the best ribs this side of heaven.
My name is Charles Haynsworth from Danville, VA. I wanted to learn how to cook BBQ that was as good as what I tasted at the KCS competition we have in Danville, VA. My friend introduced me to the first FE-100 Eddy sold (Bill McMann). I said there was no way that I was going to spend that much for a "grill", that I already had a good "gas grill" (my Holland Gril). Well after 6- months, I had a new grill, 6 digital probe thermometers, about 15 different rubs and sauces, and oh by the way a 28' Wildwood Toy hauler to put my cooker in when we went to competitions.

We just finished out 7th competition in two years, and have done fairly well. We did win a firt place in ribs, and place in the top 10 in other catagories regularly - except chicken (I need help). We have found the FE-100 to be a pretty fool-proof way to cook competition BBQ. We cook everything in the FE-100, and we get at least 6 hours of sleep during the competion night.

Cool I would highly recommend the FE-100 for any serious cook, whether you want to cook competition or not. Plus Fast Eddy will help you however he can, and he is a honorary member of our Pig-Me Cooking Team. Eddy you can cook with us anyday!
My name is Mark Welte and I live in Pueblo, CO. I work at a brick plant and handle their computers and safety. My wife and I as well as some friends compete as the Carcass Cookers and up until now used four WSM's. Got to be a pain and after cooking with Steve Marrs (Denver Cajun) on his FE we decided to get one. I love to cook and one day plan on going to culinary school when I hit my midlife crisis.
Hello, my name is Bill Griffith and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. My FE100 was just delivered today! I�m like a little kid on Christmas morning�. My love for Q has grown from feeding 40 � 60 people a week at Ravens Tailgates. This is my first smoker and until today my grill of choice was a Weber. I love to talk Q any pointer or guidance would be appreciated.
Howdy! My name is Chuck Bearden and I'll be 70 in Feb. Grew up in central Texas eating barbecue, but have lived in Quincy, IL for the last 35 years and retired here. I am moving from a lurking wannabe owner of a FEC100 to an excited gonnabe owner of a FEC100. Order is in. I have 3 pits now, so guess I'll have to find a home for some of them. Love to cook and cue and the family brags on me enough that I keep doing it.
Never been to a contest, cut would like to see one sometime. Chuck

I'm Jackie Weight a true 'Mad Cow' well the only one on my Farm anyway! And Rick, well he's the Pig I'm always roastin'. We're the Mad Cows BBQ Team from England.

We've been cooking on an FEC100 for a few months and think Pellet cookers are the best! Heck, they must be because we won 'The Jack' this year cooking on one!

Happy Cooking .... but don't let the cows smell the smoke!
Well, come January, I should be the proud owner of an FEC100. Can't tell you how long I have been waiting for this. Finally convinced the boss I could make it back by cooking more butts in a load than my two WSMs and with a lot less work. I already have the spot set for it on my back screen porch. Just need to get an outlet put in for it.

OH the exceitement!!!

Originally posted by RibDog:
[qb] Well, come January, I should be the proud owner of an FEC100. Can't tell you how long I have been waiting for this. Finally convinced the boss I could make it back by cooking more butts in a load than my two WSMs and with a lot less work. I already have the spot set for it on my back screen porch. Just need to get an outlet put in for it.

OH the exceitement!!!

John [/qb]
Sorry I forgot to post that I have been in BBQ for about six years now. I started out in the judging part of it and am now very proud to be a Master KCBS Judge. I am also certified for both FBA and MIM.

I am also an occasional contributing member to Bonesmoker's with DrBBQ. Even though I was only the grunt, the information I learned will serve me well in the future. In fact, I just cooked Plant City, FL with Tom and Barbara Lowe and Craig Kimmel as part of Craig's FireHouseBBQ.US competition team. Hopefully, you saw the results of us taking Reserve Grand Champion. We will soon be cooking the FBA contest in Sebring and the KCBS contest in Lakeland if the dam don't burst!

Got into pellet cooking about five years after buying a Traeger grill. While a good "warm weather" grill it leaves something to be desired in cool or windy conditions. I've written and called the Trager folks about this and they admit there's a problem but have not yet addressed it yet. I'm considering this grill for that reason. When you want "Q", you want it now!!! Glad to see there are a lot of cigar smokers here. I just had another cabinet delivered that holds 125 boxes. Just about filled it up.........
Remember, there's joy in smokin'.....

Eric Thompson (JET)
Orlando, FL
I guess I am the newest owner of a FEC100, having received it this week on 3 Dec. 2004. My wife, Nancy and I, took the first Fast Eddy class last month. After eating throughout the class all of the different meats we cooked, we left with purchasing one of the FE that we cooked on. We are not into competion cooking, but look forward to becoming the best place in our neighborhood for great BBQ. My day job is being an orthodontist, followed closely by competitive bass fishing. With my new smoker, the other two things may have to give up a little bit of their demand on my time. I owe a big thank you to Russ aka SmokinOkie, for having me over to dinner one night while I was in OK city for a business meeting. He was the one that sold me on what a FEC100 could turn out. (I invited myself after reading all of his posts). What a gracious host and representative for Cookshack he is!! Anyone in Texas, or elsewhere for that matter, that wishes to drop by and have a taste run please send me an email. Ron and Nancy Knight, San Angelo, TX
Hello,I am Jdawg and my Wife is JL On wed Dec 22nd we will be the proud parents of a FEC100. I have being cooking since i was 6yrs old and BBQ'n about 20yrs. Used them all Little Chief's, WSM's(own 1)Offset(own 1) model 50 Cookshack(own 2)and many others. But now i have a Fast Eddy ya!!!!! Will use it for small caters,To go lunches M-F and parties and of course for us to have fun with. Smiler
Merry Christmas! My name is Steve And I live in Buffalo NY. My FE100 came 3 weeks ago. I was in bed with a bad back when it was delivered. It us uncrated and seasoned. I am trying to find time to try it out. I upgraded from a Treager. I am proud to be a pellethead and a parrothead! I am 44 and my wife thinks I am nuts. She has had food from the Traeger and she let me get the FE. I hope to compete in 3 comps this year. My team name is Regal BBQ. Happy Holidays! Buffalo Steve

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