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A friend of mine had a steer butchered and told me he slipped a couple of pieces into my freezer. The labels say “chuck roll (eye)”. They are almost round, about 3 ½ - 4 inches across and roughly 16 inches long 8 – 10 pounds. Because of the way they are frozen and wrapped I couldn’t see what they look like so I went over to the butcher shop to ask about them. The butcher told me they were chuck eyes, very lean, and I would really like them. My nephew and his family came up from Missouri to buy my mother’s car so I smoked one of the chuck eyes for their visit. I’ve done chuck clods and chuck roasts, but this was new for me.

When it thawed out I rubbed it down with Lea & Perrins Thick Worcestershire Sauce and Jeff’s Naked Rib Rub, wrapped it with plastic wrap, and put it back in the fridge overnight

Fresh out of the AQ

It sliced up nice and juicy

I used 1 chunk of hickory and 1 chunk of cherry for the smoke. The cherry was a good addition, but I think it could have used a touch more hickory.

I was surprised by how fast the chuck eye got cold. It was a tad too dry for my liking, but everyone else thought it was just right.

Thanks for looking
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I wanted to smoke the chuck eye to an internal temperature of 200⁰ for pulling. I started out smoking at 225⁰, but after 5 hours it was only 155⁰so I kicked it up to 250⁰and smoked it for another hour. Because it was time to eat I pulled it off at 165⁰ and let it rest for 15 minutes before carving.

My original plan was to pull it around 135° - 140°, but after giving it a hard visual the smaller end appeared to have a lot of connective tissue in it I wanted to break down.

After dinner I carved the rest of it and the second half (about 2" more than what I had already carved for the picture) did end up having quite a bit of connective tissue in it.

It was like a totally different piece of meat.

Luckily I started carving on the big end first

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