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Well, after wanting one since BEFORE I got my AmeriQue and my wife telling me I could buy a new one I found a used one. One our forum members was selling his on eBay to make room for a larger FEC! It's just over a year old and barely broken in! Thanks to Smokin/Russ and Cal for looking at the photos provided to give me guidance. I JUST got home a couple of hours ago after driving 170 miles each way to pick it up. It is now in its home next to my AmeriQue in a little alcove just off my deck.

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Thanks Max! No, the plan is to pull the smoker in use out on the deck. The FEC has an elbow and stack to vent smoke. Also, both have covers to protect from the VICIOUS pollen we are having, I just wanted the CS goodness to be shown... lol. BTW, I hope all will think about all affected by the storms in MS, AL, GA, and VA a lot of good people lost their lives yesterday.
CONGRATS! That is one shiny, good looking FEC you got yourself. I picked mine up from a forum member also...but mine has a little more style....LOL!

It has a Fast Eddy's by Cookshack sticker,a CancerSucksChicago sticker and an "old antique" Butchers BBQ sticker as well. There are a few other stickers that doesn't pop out of my mind right now, but someday I'm hoping to add to them...Hey Russ, you don't have any SmokinOkie stickers do ya? I'd be proud to have one of them on it,ya know!

Well Mike, it looks like we will learn together brother....who's next Arnie,Pags,TN Q,Bubba ????
First off I think both of you did a fine job on your new acquisitions, second, Ol buddy Cal, I can't get a FEC, because then I wouldn't have good cause to come on down and do a taste visit. Anyways were back to being slower than dirt at work again so I have to be a good boy and pick my toys judiciously. I have some stickers for you cal but I don't think they would go along with your current theme. Smiler
I too feel for all the people that were caught in the nasty storms this week. God speed to all.

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