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Your right wheelz,

Problem is the "producers", the website calls them "grillin'" tips and actually some of the tips might actually help people who've never visited a forum or read a book.

We're smoking here, don't they understand that YET???

And how confused will the consumer be?

tip from Johnny Trigg:
5. Do not soak wood chunks. It will add too much smoke flavor.

tip from Woodchicks:
2. Soak wood chips in water for ½ hour, drain and enclose in piece of foil.
Some of the participants are talking low and slow. Others are talking grilling. Hey. I'm just glad to see a barbecuing show on TV. It feeds our passion one way or the other.

Some of us will get something out of it. Others, like our real experienced folks, won't get much other than entertainment. Who knows, maybe we'll see a recipe we'll like. The real benefit will be gained by the millions of folks who only grill or are just getting started and don't own a smoker. If the show sparks someone's passion, they'll eventually find their way to this forum, and in that way we all gain. Especially, those that finds us.

I've got a friend who is trying low, slow and smoke flavoring on his grill. Big Grin He doesn't know it yet, but he'll own a Cookshack some day. My brother in Chicago thinks barbecuing is hot dogs, hamburgers, or steaks on his grill. I know. I know. It's a work in progress. At least he's bragging about the great barbecue people get when they visit here, and he hasn't even tried Tom's brisket or Smokin's prime rib. At least he's talking about taking up barbecuing as a hobby. The barbecue show will help both my friend and my brother. When the passion ignites, that's when I become a Cookshack salesman, and they graduate to real barbecue. Life is beautiful.
Originally posted by bbqhead:
Has anyone heard of paul petersen of pablo diablo's? on his bio it said he has'nt won anything yet. was he just a wildcard?

I checked him out and he's the chef at Rick's Restaurant. I don't know where the Pablo Diablo thing came from. It looks to be a very nice restaurant with little to any connection to BBQ, so maybe Q is just his hobby.
I thought it was amazing how cocky he was. "i'm the johnny cash of bbq" or something like that. When they were talking about presentation, on a bed of leafy greens and he only put one little sprig of parsley in... Bwaahaaahaaa.

I think the only reason he came in 47th in all events is because there wasn't 50 competitors. Eeker
Not to pile on Paul Peterson, but I thought it was amazing that he spent so much money, but didn't seem to have some basic knowledge that I have just from watching all the Food Network/Travel Channel BBQ shows over the past several years. I think I would have done some research before I dropped $20K+.

I'd be interested to hear from those that know if the personalities we saw on the show are accurate or a product of editing. Kind of a "yes, it's accurate" or "no it's just TV" would be plenty. I'm curious, because lets just say I wasn't pulling for Myron based on the way he came across.
It's a TV show, and the object is to make it popular and make money. The subject is BBQ, but as far as the producers are concerned it could be travel, motorcycles or a ball game. Get the ratings up, charge the sponsors more for advertising, get as rich as possible.

I think Paul Peterson learned a lot by observing the other participants and believe the experience may have brought him down to earth somewhat. If he makes a few more contests, he'll do better both cause of the experience and cause he did set a pretty low base for himself.
lol, yeah, when there's nowhere to go but up.. well, unless there's forty EIGHT teams next year. DOH!

As for him spending $20k+.. what's that all about? I thought he mentioned that he borrowed the RV and grille trailer. Not sure about the older one after he blew the tire on the nice one though.

and Myron DQ'd for his team being elsewhere? He made it sound like it's just he and his wife. What, he normally has a possee? wooo'ieee!
As for him spending $20k+.. what's that all about? I thought he mentioned that he borrowed the RV and grille trailer. Not sure about the older one after he blew the tire on the nice one though.

Maybe I misunderstood. I thought the new trailer he bought, because it was customized for him? Should have forked over another couple hundred for a spare tire though. Frowner The one he used to contribute to the events purse with may have been an older one of his or a loaner. Oh well. I used to contribute quite a bit to SCCA Pro event purses myself, so I know how it feels. Racing is a great money repellent. Maybe competitive BBQ is too.
Originally posted by HeloMech:
...and Myron DQ'd for his team being elsewhere? He made it sound like it's just he and his wife. What, he normally has a possee? wooo'ieee!

Actually yes. He has another guy who normally cooks with him, but this weekend, he stayed home. The problem is he competed under the same name, same day. Myron is a standup guy and voluntarily returned the money from what I'm told.

We've been talking about this today at the class.

Very similar to WWF, but we're calling it WWB, World Wrestling BBQ.

Now we have to come up with WWF names.

Mine is Smokin' Danger. (you have to take your normal name and add a WWF name)

This way, we'll fit in when we start trash talking like the contestants.
Can't say what all the "sideways" politics offer.

Myron/Jack's Old South gets caught in a free entry for winning the previous year.

Entering/competing to help the publicity of a local contest.Yep,he does it.

Does Dobie sometimes cook at an event,to honor commitments-yes.

Does Myron get caught not adding Myron Team II,rarely. Roll Eyes

As the dominant national leader in MIM,does he even think about KCBS team standards?

Get over it!

Great cook/ambassador.

Love it and always look forward to cooking against him.

When we beat him,we have beaten a great cook/representative for BBQ.

He always comes over to congratulate us,donates much to the local town.

When we have a weekend off,we judge the best of the MIM contests.

Those times we get Myron,it is a real treat ,as he is at the least--a legend.

Just my $0.02
Originally posted by Todd G.:
As for him spending $20k+.. what's that all about? I thought he mentioned that he borrowed the RV and grille trailer. Not sure about the older one after he blew the tire on the nice one though.

Maybe I misunderstood. I thought the new trailer he bought, because it was customized for him? Should have forked over another couple hundred for a spare tire though. Frowner

I had it on DVR, and tonight I can't tell for sure if he said he bought it or borrowed it. That Texas accent kind of blurs it for me.

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