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I'm about to smoke a small, only 4.8lbs before trimming the fat, picnic pork shoulder. After trimming, there is about a 1" thick flat slab of meat about 5" long that is just hanging still attached to the rest of the whole shoulder. My question is, should I fold this flap of meat under or over the meat while in the smoker? I don't want it to dry out before the meat reaches 200* for pulling.

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Originally posted by GLH:
Fold it under.

Why are you trimming fat off pork? I think you are defeating the whole aim of pulled pork. It is good in part because of the fat. Oh well, it is your meat. To each his own!


How is the rub supposed to penetrate 1/2" to 3/4" of fat? I've read various how-to's that trimming the fat is required. And I've done that quite often. It's just that this particular cut of meat, when I trimmed the fat, there was a slab of meat hanging. Goodness!!! This is only my second smoke using this Cookshack product. And I thought I'd come here for advise, not some wise-@ss comment.

I think I'll go elsewhere for advise, whether it is advise for my Cookshack product or my stick burner. Wise-@ss comments is not very productive. I'm much too old and too mature to put up with this type of crappola. I paid my hard earned cash for this product, and you being the "Official Forum Bouncer", whatever that means, your comments are totally unnecessary. Like I've often told my children, who are now adults and doing quite well on their own, if you don't have anything constructive or good to say to a person in a gratious manner, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!! That type of advise told to me by my parents, have gotten me through 30 years of active military service, where dealing with people of many cultural and ethnic diversities had taught me the real meaning of kindness and understanding those differences.
So, I'll end by saying your favorite ode... To each his own!
Sorry you took my post the wrong way, jazzspot.

Now more advice. You can lift the skin/fat up and put rub under it and lay it back on top of the shoulder. Pork needs the fat to be good, unless it is a higher quality lean cut such as the loin, in which case would be better to go to about 150*, rest, and slice. Butts and shoulders need the extra time and temp to break down fat and collagen to be tender for pulling. You cannot break it down if it is not there.

I also spent a few years in the active military.

'Official forum bouncer' is just a joke. If it offends, I will remove it.

Well,I think that was ended rite well.

We try to give our best shot at advice and sometimes add a little dry humor.

We don't claim to be experts around here and and GLH has averaged over 500 answers a year for 3-4 years.

I know him to be pretty knowledgable and helpful to new folks.

Just my $0.02.

A couple of other thoughts.

If cooked low and slow,much of the fat will render.

I'd try to kinda wad the pieces together,so it cooks like a whole.

I'm not as fond as some folks about using picnics for pulling.

They are a little "hammier" and slice well about 185º.

They don't seem to have as much internal fat and 200º internal may dry them out.

But ,lots of folks on here do well with them.

Once again, welcome to the Cookshack World.
Last edited by tom
Jazz, one thing about BBQ is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Be wary of those whose opinions tell you there is. And stick around--you'll learn whom to trust and whose opinions to take with good dose of salt.

As Tom once said, try it both ways and see which you prefer. I've trimmed the fat on butts and they still turn out great. I hate putting all the rub on the fat cap, letting it develop all the bark, and then just scraping it off and tossing it in the end. Same goes with brisket, picnics, etc.

That said, I do leave all the internal fat untrimmed. It's easy to remove once it's cooked and there's no loss of bark or flavor when you remove it.

Good luck.
Final thought here, on topic...I have a large spool of kitchen string and I find that I tie up most all of what I stick in the Cookshack. I think the more compact the package, the more uniform the product.

I didn't exactly envision the issue with the picnic shoulder, but I'll offer this advice: "open it up if you need to (like if there's some yucchy, fatty, ugly stuff to get rid of especially), dry rub any meat that is reachable (dry rubbing fat just wastes the rub, my opinion), and tie the whole thing back together." Then shove it in the CS and stand back in wonder! Or take a snooze, since there's no good that can come with anymore 'messing' with it!

Thus far, I've appreciated everyone's responses to my questions, and especially so GLH's. Thanks to y'all out there!

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