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Hi everyone thank-you all again for all of your imput. I took the challenge and had to go at it alone. I used the cookshack ribrub added a few more spices then I smeared it with a healthy dose of plain old mustard. I was short of time and the visitors were rumbling about charging the cook in an all out mutiny. I ordered more beer and put on a fight. This held them mesmerized for the next little while. I let the roast stand at room temp for 1hr.Then I put it in at 250 degrees. It cooked for about 4.5hrs. It was by far the best roast I have ever done. I let it stand for 30min and cut. It was very juicy and leftovers!!Thank-you Tom,Smokin'Okie,mnhogfarmer,Bill,and the stone creek bbq.(sorry if this sounds like the oscars but without your help in the past as well I am sure in the near future I would have never cook my first roast with as much confidence as I had.)Rob

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