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Okay, my wife comes home with a pork tenderloin from the store today. She says "I wonder if this would be good smoked"? I'm thinking of course it will.
So I start looking around the CS forums and I don't find much. I start looking other places and I find them grilled and a few smoked, but nothing that really knocks it out of the park. One common thread is they all are bacon rapped for obvious reasons.

My question is do any of you have a really good recipe for pork tenderloin?
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As we know,slo/lo cooking is mainly for rendering fat and breaking down collagen.Since pork tenderloin contains neither,many folks would hot grill for around 30 mins,to about 140*,and let the drippings on the heat source provide the smoke.The carryover temp ,while resting should carry it up to about 145*,which should be great.

Many foods don't require,nor benefit from lo/slo cooking-altho they can be ,if we insist.

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