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My first smoke with the new AQ was 2 6lb brisket flats. It's very hard to find full brisket around here. Even the guy at the meat counter agreed!

Rubbed em with Montreal Steak Seasoning, garlic powder, and Penzey's Tuscan Sunset. Went in at 9 AM at 225 with 2 chunks of wood. 4 hours later while I was out, wife called to say the probe read 180. By the time I got home another hour later the probe read 170. Pulled them out at 7PM when they hit 190. Let em rest for 20 minutes on a sheet pan covered w/foil. Was worried they would not slice, but they did, except for a small part of the end of one that just basically shredded. The meat was a hit, as I was slicing the juices were still in the meat. Very tender. Awesome!

Before the party ended I rubbed a 8lb PB, let it sit wrapped in plastic for 2 hours, then put it in at 225 at 11pm. Hoping to get it close to done before we head to the lake for the day. Right now (10.5 hours in) it's at 165.

Could not have done it without this forum and all you folks!! Long live Q!!
Original Post
Congratulations on your success. The Amerique is a great smoker. I love mine and I've had it less than two months.

In Texas you can get packers or flats most anywhere. I bet if you ask your butcher, he can order packers for you. The problem might be that he can't order less than a case. He may not order them if he doesn't think he can sell them.

I have had a PB sit in the plateau at 165 for hours.

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