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Last week I took a stab at cold smoking salmon for my restaurant menu. The end result was as good or better than the pre-sliced salmon I pay $14.95/lb for.

I chose to use a wet brine and plan to smoke 4 sides, twice a week from now on. How long do you think the shelf life of the wet brine would be, kept refrigerated 36-40 degrees? I'm thinking at least a week...maybe two. Thoughts?

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MaxQue, Just stumbled across your thread. If you are making large batches of brine to use in steps it will last a long time like the finishing sauce mentioned in other post. For consistency purposes for your restaurant you may want to invest in a salometer if you are using the same brine more than once as it will weaken with use. Keep your brine between 80% and 90% and you will be fine. You may just have to add more brine. Sounds like you may have sushi on the menu.

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