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This predates Cook Shack, so no criticism is intended, but WHO? in the world, in some drunken fog, decided that 14"x14" was the correct size for cooker racks? Who was it? Go on, raise your hand if you're out there. Just about every home smoker uses a rack of similar if not identical size and they are too small to hold a whole shoulder, or a whole rack of ribs. So what genuis is going to take credit for this idea? What would have been wrong with 20"x14" or 20"x20". Would the world have burst into flames and shrunk to a burnt cinder?
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No Todd, the world would not have burst into flames and shrunk to a burnt cinder but I suspect the price of the smoker would have increased proportional to the added width. My guess is that the present size was arrived at primarily to keep prices in a reasonable range. There have been rumbles from Donna at CS that they are considering a wider unit that will accomodate whole slabs. I'm waiting for the day with check book in hand.
If I smoked enough I'd go that route myself but with the kids gone and the grand kids in college I'm now only cooking for two. Don't need anything as big as either one of those units. I'm still using an offset and it has a lot of capacity. Three or four cooks and I've got the freezer stocked full for the winter. I want something smaller.... like a souped up smokette.

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