Good morning Bassin49er-
As I can't speak on the laws of NYC- the below link could be helpful and you might want to check with your building manager if applicable: the smoke that is produced, I have owned both a Weber WSM and a Charbroil Electric Smoker and the Cookshack produces very little smoke in comparison. Since it is rainy season in FL, I put my SM025 in my covered screen-room and do the smoking there. You can obviously smell and see the smoke come out but it definitely doesn't billow like other smokers. I don't think it would be a problem for your neighbors. If it does become a problem- offer them a rack ribs and they will shut up real quick!
I am really glad I purchased the Cookshack smoker. It has been a blast to cook on and I highly recommend their products. Make sure you read the forums and take notes on what you produce so you can make changes for the next time. Enjoy!