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I think I already know the answer to this, but here it is anyway. I bought some baby back pork ribs from Sams (3 pack in cryovac) earlier today. The date is "best if purchased by 7/23/07" and today is the 20th. Tonight I cut them open to get ready for a smoke this weekend when I noticed they smelled. I know some raw meats have different smells, but this was like rotten eggs. Its not overpowering strong but you can smell it no problem. Enough that I decided not to cook them. Ive done spares from Sams in the past and BB's from other places and this is the first I ever experienced anything like this.

I plan on returning them in the morning. Again, I think I already know that these are funky, but I wanted to post just in case.
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Yep, thats what I figured but wanted to put it out here anyway. I didnt think they should smell like rotten eggs or sulphur. Nothing against Sams meats though. I think this is just a fluke as I have had good luck with their quality in the past and know others have as well. I wont hesitate to buy from them again in the future, but for this weekends smoke Im buying from another source just in case my Sams received a bad batch.

Thanks for the replys,
I remember the first time I opened a cryovac brisket. I returned it because of the smell. The butcher told me there was nothing wrong with it but gave me another one anyway. Since then I'm used to the smell and as long as it goes away after a few minutes I know it's good. If it was really bad I would expect the meat to be slimy or have other signs that it's bad. So far I haven't need the ER from my food.
I bought new ribs today, also in cryovac. These smelled more like what Im used to. They had some smell but it washed off ok. The first pack was just plain nasty smelling. I also bought spares in the past that smelled a little, but not to the degree that these were. I had to stick my nose right up to these new ones to pick up a smell, but the original package was too intense without even getting close. I didnt notice if they were xtra slimy.

Either way, I wasnt comfortable with the stink so back they went. My feeling is better safe than sorry. "Probably ok" isnt good enough when it comes to my familys health.

Thanks again,
I have had food poisoning several times and spent the night in the ER 2 times no fun. Since SAMS has a double your money back on there meat here I won't cook anything that stinks. I did buy some hamburger from SAMS that was red on the outside and stinky brown on the inside smelled plum rotten. SAMS did give me a refund x 2 but they tried to tell me the meat wasn't bad. Since I don't buy anymore hamburger from SAMS but all of the non ground meat has been fine. I got some really good country style ribs and boston buts there.

Just sounds like you had some of my rotten luck.
Food poisoning several times? Eeker
Where do you eat?

Seriously, I am 45 today and never had food poisoning that I know of. I don't think it is really that common. It is way more common that the food just don't agree with us. I have an older brother that claims he has food poisoning several times a year, and calls in sick from work! I told him to quit eating food so spicy and rich it makes his bowels loose for a day.

I just don't know about all that. Meat from the grocer always smells funny to me. It never smelled like that growing up on the farm when we butchered our own beef, pork, poultry, catfish, venison, etc.

I just cook it and eat it and have never been sick, that's all I know.

Good luck everyone, and be careful out there!

I'm no expert, but I've read that most cases of food poisoning are minor, usually marked by that quick need to run to the restroom. Also, most symptoms take a while to manifest.

I'm also convinced that many folks may have mild food allergies that can cause similar symptoms.

As for the cryopacked meat, give it rinse, if it's still funky, take it back. The vinegar thing can also help, but I'd rather just use fresh meat.

I think I believe the Doctor at the ER when he tells me that it is food poisoning. I got poisoning from a pizza joint once and cafe's the other times.

If your raw meat stinks maybe you shouldn't cook/eat it but take it back instead.
Last edited by Former Member
When these were returned, the meat guy came up to explain that its not unusual for meat in cryovac to have an odor and that its harmless. He also said that rinsing should take care of it. Then he opened the bag to see the tag with the date. His eyebrows went up and he turned his head away. At this point he apologized and said this was not normal. He didnt even look at the tag, he just folded the bag back up and told the clerk to issue a refund.

I know a bit of a smell is ok, but this was pretty intense. The whole time my guests would have been eating I would have been consumed with paranoia of them getting ill. Instead the new ribs were a huge hit and even though I thought I cooked too many (on purpose so I could have a little leftover) they were gone before the party ended.

I think the moral of the story here is that its normal to have a bit of a smell in cryovac packaged meat. However, I also believe that if your not comfortable with something, dont eat it.
Well I just had to add my nickel. I get my baby backs from Winco here in the Northwest which carries Swift Premium pork products. They too are all cyrovac'ed and I find that they do have a not too pleasent odor. My rule of thumb is that if you can rinse the odor away it is just some packaging thing and not really the meat. I rinse, smell, rub and than let set for 4+ hours before smoking. I use JF Henry's Cherry Rub and people can't get enough. I don't even sauce mine, it spoils the taste of the meat.

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