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Uh, not sure what you're trying to achieve. Just reheating one sandwich to eat at home or trying to do it in a restaurant as called for.

Microwaves work well IF you learn to use the reheat setting and not the full setting.

Tell me what you're wanting this for and I'll try to help.
Hi Russ,
Thanks for taking the time to help. Have a small restaurant that offers pulled pork sandwiches. The demand is not constant, so there would be a lot of waste if I were to keep a whole butt in a warmer. I am using your baste for smoking the butts. We warm up one portion at a time, and I feel that it's too dry. SWMBO says its ok. I think dipping it in your apple juice baste is the way to go, so I wanted to know if you have experience that way. One serving at a time. Thank-you again.
Until,Smokin' gets a chance to check back in.We visited a forum member's restaurant up in SC.Sort of a Dairy Bar kinda place.

Same situation as yours.They smoked the butt to be ready to serve some on their busiest day.The weigh out pulled chunks for the size servings they needed and stored them in coffee cups with lids in a dedicated refrigerator..They would microwave on the reheat setting,chop slightly and refresh with Smokin's vinegar sauce.

After a couple days ,if they had leftovers,they made the decision to freeze the portions and refresh each day as needed.Their other option for cooler days was to make Brunswick Stew and cook a fresh butt,or use up the last of the leftovers as "special dinners".

Hopes this helps a little.

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