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My wife is a USAF flight nurse who participates in aeromedical evacuation flights from the war zones. The crews bring food, usually enough to share, this keeps them nourished and happy because their missions are long and arduous.

She asked me if I would do some back-ribs for her crew, how could I say no? Fortunately, Germany has excellent pork, although their back-ribs are cut just slightly differently than ours back in the states. Still, they Q-up nicely.

Here's my Smokette loaded up.

Here's what came out.

I had to modify my Smokette to work with 230v 50hz, and the company supported me in an excellent fashion, sending me the needed parts to make it work in quick time.

Their dedication helped me give some BBQ to the people that are making things happen in Iraq and elsewhere.

Thanks, Cookshack, for making such an excellent product and offering such unflagging customer support.

P.S. The Buttman of Columbia County, Florida provided the seasoning, such an awesome rub it is!
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Geez, I wish I could get some of them thar critters to my son.. he's on his second stint in Iraq.. currently at an airbase in southern Iraq.. fortunately. Last tour he was in Baghdad. I don't remember the name of the base he is at.. but it is where the Garden of Eden was.. or close to it.. Where the Tigris and Euphrates meet. Hopefully, he will be home (Vandenburg AFB) and we can have him up for a family meal sometime in September. Smiler

Glad things worked out for your conversion.. probably better than that suggestion I offered when you were questioning how to do it.
Thanks for the nice words, and Smokenque, I hope you see your son soon. I think I know the base you are talking about, any way you slice it, life is tough in Iraq, but our people make a difference.

I used mesquite on the ribs because it is availabe here in chunks, and I have only a few ounces of hickory left that I shipped over in my household goods, good Florida hickory.

I'm saving that for a shoulder cook.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
Great Story,

As a Retired Air Force Officer, love to see these kind of stories.

I forwarded the link on to CS, think they need to share the story.

FYI, one of their employees has been called up.


Thanks for your service...I'm a retired USAF MSgt.

Somehow I managed almost 4000 flight hours, so I know it's nice to have a hot meal on those long, drawn out slogs!

I'm very proud of my wife and the work she and her teammates do to get the wounded out. They are some unsung heroes.

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