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This will be our first contest this year and we have never competed with the FEC100. Have competed in the past with Bullets and a Lang 84 and know the timing etc. but am almost clueless with the FEC.

Any advice on times, stacking order, pit usage etc. would be appreciated. Have cooked all the meats with the exception of pork butt on the unit, but never all at the same time for contest. It is scary!!!

I know that there are several teams on the forum that will be there and we look forward to meeting you.

Smoke'n Ice
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Some of the single unit users will jump in.

We'll be there, 2nd comp with the new trailer.

Key is temps. If you're cooking everything at one temp, just figure your times.

If you're cooking butts and briskets at one temp, ribs at another and chicken at another, then you need to figure out your temps to be done before you change temps. Good news is the FE adjusts fast.

As you've competed before, and you know timing, what do you think you need to do?
Since I will be arriving late in the evening, I plan on cooking the brisket and pork butt so they come off early and put them in holding, then ribs as I use different temps ala Neeley's in Memphsis and then crank it up for the chicken.

This last I'm not sure of as I've only done it once and was less than excited by it but it only took 30 minutes.

the real concern I have is what will a load of two briskets and two pork butts do to the temp?

Little to nothing, if you're cooking in normal ranges. I've cooked with a full load (more than what you're doing) and at most, it takes a little longer to get back up to temp after opening the door.

If you're worried about it for timing sake, just start a little sooner (unless of course you can't because you're arriving late).

If I don't find you, find me. Can't tell from the map they sent, how the set up is going to be.

What time you gettin' in?

We'll be there by 2 or so.
Close the Cafe & Tea Room at 2pm and plan on leaving the cook and dishwasher to clean up and close after that. My kids will do the duty on Saturday and I hope it is still standing when we get back. Should get out of Plano around 3pm and depending on traffic and weather expect to arrive between 8 and 9 pm. Have arranged with the promoter for a late arrival and meat inspection and an excused absence from the cooks meeting. Look forward to meeting you Russ.


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