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Used Pags' tri tip rub on a 3 lb Tri tip. Into prewarmed smoker set to 225. A few small oak and mesquite chips. In smoker until IT was 105. Took about 20 minutes. Then to hot gas grill and mopped with Pags suggested mop. Fire flares give a nice char. Took IT to 130 degrees. Then off grill to tented foil for about 10 minutes before slicing thin against the grain. Sprinkled with a little more rub and served.

Excellent results!

Highly recommend you give it a try!

(Pic is on the grill)

Here is link to Pags rub and mop

Thanks Pags!


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Looking good! I first learned of Tri Tip from a co-worker that had been stationed at Vandenberg AFB. I asked him what I should smoke one weekend and he quickly said Tri Tip. I had to look it up to even see what it was. He also said to use Suzie Q seasoning which I did and continue to use. If I use the Amerique I use some Red Oak but usually just cook in the FEC100 with Hickory. Smoke until about 110-115 and then finish on the grill to about 140-145 for us. Always good.
I was looking for my smoked beans recipe to make before a camping trip and saw your comments on the Santa Maria trip tip.

Glad you liked it. Results look tasty. We do various style of tri tip, but most often do the Santa Maria style. It's our favorite.

Actually, I'm taking 3 prime Tri Tip on the camping trip but alas the Cookshack stays home. Going to grill using indirect method with the Santa Maria rub.
I have been using Pags recipe for several years now and do it like Soleman with the reverse sear. I did one a while back and gave a tri tip to my new neighbor from California. I sort of figured he might know what Tri-tip was. He wasn't very excited by the gift. A couple of days later he told me that he was mad at me. I asked him why? He said that where he used to live he was known for his Tri-tip and the tri-tip I gave him was the best he had ever had. So Thanks Pags and yes Soleman this is good stuff.

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