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Over on another web forum related to beer, we have 2 events a year where through U.S. mail we exchange our favorite local brews. A Christmas in July and a Secret Santa type exchange. One person collects names and address of interested forum members, he then passes the names out through IM or email to all who are participating. One person per person. It remains mostly annonymous and shipments are made and it's really fun to read about how excited people are when they receive the package. We put a cap of $50 in beer but usually people go a little crazy hoping for a little karma in return.

Has anything like this been done here? I was thinking a sauce or rub or combination of both exchange. It could be your own concoction secret recipe or someone on the trail that doesn't have a mass distribution. Would the moderators approve such an exchange to be ran through the forums if there is interest?
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Interesting idea.

Let's see what people think, I like the idea of a secret Santa Sauce thing... but I also like know who is involved. But think of the pressure, who's gonna send ME a box of stuff and who GETS a box from me Big Grin

I'll particpate. I have some 5 year old rub to send along... (not) Wink

I'm planning on anyone attenting the CS reunion to bring some stuff just like this so we can all sample/try that day.
Last edited by Former Member
Knowing who is involved (on the other site) is all out in the open. The secrecy is you don't know who is sending you something. Only the sender and the moderator. Of course that can be discussed and changed in ours, if we want.

I was also thinking the same thing about the preassure of getting you. The secrecy would work well in that case. However, it's all in good fun. We could put a low limit on the cost, to keep it from getting out of control. And if it becomes something we do yearly or bianually we could talk about raising the limit.

Depending on how much time somebody is willing to put into the effort. A little research on product distributions could easily help you determine something not available to your Secret Sauce recipient.

One of the jobs of the moderator would be to try to match up people that are furthest apart geographically. This helps the sender with finding products that wouldn't be in the recipients area of distribution. Of course this is all for not if the sender is making his/her own sauce to send.
Last edited by padrefan98
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Great! So far we have:
2nd Hand Smoke

So, Smokin is it a go? I think the next few items to discuss would be to set a deadline to submit your name, a date that your sauce/rub must be shipped, a moderator, a cost limit.

We've go some of our Rub. We're in!
Sure it's a go. Let's just define it and make sure an amount is set (minimum) and the maximum is up to an individual.

One thing I'd like to see is some sort of detail report. If we're gonna try all this stuff, need to rate it or something detailed to say how good it was or wasn't.

Might be good for people to post things they don't want (having tried) OR we just leave it open to whatever comes. NO ONE send me any Head Country, Cookshack or Butchers... LOL

Who's gonna own this?
Last edited by Former Member
If no one objects, I can run it.

Here are some initial ideas. Let me know.

Rubs and Sauces are fair game.

$25 minimum. (keep in mind shipping will not be included in the minimum set. Remember you are going to receive $25 minimum back) For those of you making your own sauce/rub, you could estimate cost and time.

What if we picked a holiday to ship by? The next three are,

Lincolns Birthday-2/13
Presidents- 2/20
Memorial -5/28

I think we would also want a shipping range so that most everybody receives their box around the same time. I was thinking a 10 day window?
When I (assuming I am the moderator) ask for everyones address you could also include a "don't send me" list. I could forward that and your address to the sender. By the same token if there is that one retail item you have been wanting to try you could submit that in your email too. This is all for fun, and people will usually go to great lengths to impress. At least that's been my experience. I know a couple of local joints that bottle and sell there own stuff and they don't distribute so that will be easy for me as I don't feel confident in my personal attempts at sauces or rubs yet. I have also noticed that a lot of the retail sauces/rubs have websites and you could always check to see where they are distibuted.

As to rating the items received. I think that's up to the individual. If someone sends me a home made sauce I probably wouldn't know enough to critique the sauce, but I feel a "i liked it or didn't like it because" comment would be ok. I think anyone who puts there own product out has probably received criticism before. I just don't think it should be a requirement or expected. Thoughts?

A few of my thoughts:

- 2/13 is a little too close, and 5/28 is a little too far out. So, 2/20 is good for me.
- Any ideas on a cutoff date for entrants? For the initial run for this I'd suggest stretching it out as far as reasonably possible, such as one week prior to the shipment date.
- We currently have 9 participants and obviously need at least one more, or any greater even number to make it work. It's still in it's infancy, but a little recruiting needs to be done.
- It appears that the shipper is supposed to be anonymous. Any suggestions on how you do that when preparing a shipping label for UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc?

BTW, thanks for kicking this off. Sounds like it will be interesting and fun.
dls- Great questions

1. It sounds like 2/20 is going to be the date.
2. I was going to propose a cutoff date of 2/8. and a Ship date range of 2/10-2/20. This gives me time to assign names and send out personal messages.
3. You don't need an even amount of participants. Because this isnt an exchange between 2 people. Remember, the person you are sending to, may not be the person sending to you. Think of it this way. If we only had 3 participants, on odd amount. Each person recieves from a different person then they send too. Trust me it works.
4. I have been thinking about this too. If someone in Oklahoma receives a box from Santee Ca. It's obvious who the Santee guy is right? Not exactly annonymous. I guess you might have to get creative. Maybe a work address as a return address or perhaps an in-law in a different state. How far are you willing to go to keep it annonymous?
So, let's see. I box it up, drive two states away and ship and you won't know who it came from... LOL

I probably won't be good at hiding it's from me.

For me, I'm just wanting a little more than "I got a box, had great stuff". I think with this many people and if you publish a list of what you got an general impressions, that would quickly generate a list of items for what we've tried, what we liked, what we didn't. Yeah, it's tough to be honest, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if they send me a homemade rub or sauce. I'll be honest for sure, but I'm pretty good as a judge Smiler
The annonymous part does have its flaws. But I think if your confident in the address your shipping to, couldn't you fudge a little on the return address? You wouldn't have to go to another state because the Post office doesnt usually pay attention to the return address. Even if they did ask you, couldn't you say you are on vacation? And you want to ensure it returns to your house if the recipients address is wrong?
I am going to start a new thread tomorrow with all of the particulairs in one post. That way anybody just seeing this doesnt have to read through everything we have discussed. Here is the bare bones of it for discussion until tomorrow. If you have already responded you would like to participate I will place you on the new list in the post tomorrow.

$25 minimum
2/8 deadline to submit your name
2/10 assignments to be Private Messaged
2/10-2/20 shipping
Looks like Padrefan took your suggestion Smokin. I like it.

Maybe we can include a little information with the package. Things like:

1. What we prefer the sauce/rub on (rib rub may not work well on brisket)
2. Personal/regional/local product
3. Source or internet site
4. Homemade
5. Recipe if homemade if not a family secret
6. Anything that would add to the experience

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