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For the more adventuresome out there, thought I'd bring over some recent posts about Sausage:

From Layne:
OK you guys have got me fired up. After making several million pounds of jerky(well maybe not quite) I'm itching to tackle sausage.Can someone give me some direction(recipies,techniques,ect). Thanks a million in advance.Layne

From Stogie:
Hey Layne!
Here is a site that I use often. You will need Adobe Acrobat, but most systems have that installed and it should pop right up.

I been making sausage for a fair amount of time also. I'll give you my shortcuts...many don't like them but hey..they work!

My butcher will grind up everything for me..I have him double grind the pork butts and whatever other meat may be involved.

I leave EVERYTHING in bulk form, freeze in small packages and then cook as needed. I use my Italian stuff in lasagna, spaghetti sauce, pizza, burgers, etc. It also alleviates what is usually the hardest part...making into links. You need equipment and casings and then it takes some practice. Plus, I haven't met a casing I really liked.

I don't smoke ALL my sausage, but when I do, I simply roll out the sausage into lengths and whatever thickness I want. Then I will wrap in saran wrap and place on the smoker(no smoke yet!). Leave the wrap on for about 30 minutes(keep the temps under 250�)....this allows the sausage to set. Remove and pour the smoke to it!

Now, this won't work with every kind of sausage, but it works for the kind I make and it sure is easy to do!

Hope this helps!


The following site will download a PDF file. DON'T click if you don't have PDF.
Sausage Making

From tcat:
Be ready for some work.Cutting meat,grinding,and stuffing is labor intensive.If I start a 10 lb. recipe at 8:00,I probably won't get it to the smoker till 11:00.then you've got some pretty good cleanup after that.Agood book is Great Sausage Recipes And Meat Curing by Rytek Kutas.The book and a sausage making vidio can be purchased at


Smokin Okie
It's done when it's done

[This message has been edited by SmokinOkie (edited March 01, 2001).]
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OK guys, heres the low down.
I used sausage snack-stick seasoning/cure from Eldons.I bought 5 lbs of eye of round.
I got everything ready, then noticed the borrowed grinder did not have a stuffing horn small enough for my 22mm casings.
No problem,I just squeezed it out, and layed it carefully in a plastic pan and into the fridge overnite.
The next day I moved them to the smoker. 1 hour @130 (door cracked open to let dry),put wood in and 1 hour @150, then almost that long @170 till 155 internal,turned smoker off , opened door and let cool.
All I can say is WOW. My wife and kids(who love my jerky) said this was better than jerky. I will do this again. Layne

[This message has been edited by Layne (edited March 12, 2001).]
Man, I gotta tell ya',this was fun.
My 11 year old son and I did this together.
He did the cranking.hahaha.Good family fun.
Now the family and friends have 1 more thing to beg me to make. I told alex he had to work for his,he said this aint work this is play. Another Q boy I guess.
Made another batch of snack sticks this weekend. This time I used shoulder roast($1.69 lb) instead of eye of round($3.99lb).
Everything else the same,I liked the first batch better(much leaner). I guess It's because of my jerky addiction. I also used Stuarts procedure(only slightly different).
The main difference is he does not leave a crack in the door, he opens it a couple of times to let the moisture out. It was juicer/moister,I guess I just like it drier.
Maybe I suould have cooked it longer(past 155 internal).
Jump in here Stuart,also will it hurt my CS to leave a crack in the door for the first hour?
thanks ,Layne

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